

Thursday, October 17, 2024


The fifth graders read another chapter in Esperanza Rising this morning. Then working in pairs, the kids reflected on the reactions various characters had to an important turning point in the novel.

In math class, the kids played a division compare game and then wrapped up the lesson by completing two workbook pages.

Wednesday, October 16, 2024


The fifth graders met with their second grade book buddies this morning. After reading a book of the second grader's choosing, they took part in some fall themed activities. The fifth graders continue to do a nice job of working with their younger peers.

Our math time was spent taking a short division assessment. This will give me insight into where each of the members of A303 stand as we prepare to move into the second unit of study.

Students received two permission slips for upcoming field trips. These need to be signed and returned to school as soon as possible.

Tuesday, October 15, 2024


In science class, the kids did some reading about the night sky. Special attention was paid to building our vocabulary base and then we answered some focus questions pertaining to the reading.

Tomorrow, the fifth graders will take a division assessment during math class.

Students received two permission slips for upcoming field trips. These need to be signed and returned to school as soon as possible.

Friday, October 11, 2024


The fifth graders continue to explore the most recent chapter in Esperanza. They wrapped up their work with metaphors today and responded to questions. A key point of emphasis today was quoting the text accurately and effectively. 

Students received two permission slips for upcoming field trips. These need to be signed and returned to school as soon as possible.

 I hope everyone has a nice long weekend.

Thursday, October 10, 2024


We continued to explore the relationship between multiplication and division this afternoon. The kids are solidifying their ability to solve division problems in a variety of ways by using calculations and visuals. We ended the session by having the kids play a division compare game.

Students received two permission slips for upcoming field trips. These need to be signed and returned to school as soon as possible.

Wednesday, October 9, 2024


We put special emphasis into looking at a batch of division word problems this afternoon in math class. Each of the fifth graders was tasked with solving a few problems and then sharing their thought process with a peer. There was some nice discussion going on during this time amongst the kids.

Later this week we are going to return to our study of the solar system, more specifically classifying the planets.

Tuesday, October 8, 2024


Our math time was spent refining the our methods for solving division problems. The kids then looked to create word problems to math various numerical problems they were given. Some nice perseverance during this time.

Monday, October 7, 2024


The two points of emphasis for the members of A3O3 this week will be to work to solve division problems and to compare and contrast. the different viewpoints of characters within Esperanza Rising. We are hoping to take what we have been working on within our multiplication unit and use that to help us think about division strategies during math class. The kids are also going to be responding to some focus questions pertaining to viewpoints during our ELA time.

Friday, October 4, 2024


We took part in an interesting ELA lesson this morning that involved character reactions to changing events. The fifth graders worked together to analyze how different characters in Esperanza reacted to the same events. This was a meaningful lesson that had the kids engaging in a conversation and responding to some focus questions in their workbooks. Next week, we will continue to read deeper into the novel.

I hope everyone has a nice weekend.

Wednesday, October 2, 2024


We have reached the midway point of unit one in ELA. Today the fifth graders took their mid-unit assessment which posed questions about Esperanza Rising. The kids have been working hard with this text and they appeared to be in a good frame of mind taking this assessment. We are going to return to the novel on Friday.

During math class, the members of A303 worked with various multiplication strategies and then compared and contrasted the procedures.

There is no school tomorrow (10/3).

Tuesday, October 1, 2024


We are near the conclusion of unit one in our ELA unit. The kids completed reading a chapter in Esperanza this morning and then they worked in pairs to respond to a question about the story's structure. We are going to take our unit one assessment tomorrow. This will see the kids responding to some focus questions.