

Monday, January 31, 2022


We wrapped up the month of January by returning to our work from last week in both math and ELA. During math class, the students had another meaningful lesson pertaining to multi-step word problems using data tables. Our ELA work involved concluding a piece of writing that we began last week about a group of elephants that were evacuated from the African country of Swaziland to ensure their survival. The students were deeply invested in this story.


Math - homework will be given later this week

Friday, January 28, 2022


We concluded the school week with another science session that involved food webs. The work that was being done over the last two weeks in science class has been top notch. Many of the students were able to complete at least two of our online food webs. Very impressive work.

I hope everyone has a nice weekend and that all of the fifth graders are able to help shovel.

Thursday, January 27, 2022


After our zoom visit yesterday, the fifth graders looked to craft a short piece of writing that used material that was presented to them yesterday as their foundation. They were also looking to compare and contrast the presentation with an article that we had read two weeks ago. The kids are still talking about our enrichment yesterday and they had a productive writing lesson.


Reading - read for 25 minutes each night and records thoughts on reading log. Due Friday 1/28

Wednesday, January 26, 2022


The fifth graders were fortunate to take part in a zoom call with Kaitlyn Willgohs. Ms. Willgohs is a recent graduate of Eckerd College, with a degree in animal studies. She has studied with a focus on animal behavior and wildlife conservation. The students were able to hear about her experiences working with wildlife both in the wild and in zoos. This was a great opportunity for the kids to conduct some first hand research into their opinion writing pieces. They were engaged throughout and made a great audience. Thanks again to Kaitlyn.

We had a solid chunk of time to work on our 13 colonies project during social studies time this afternoon. The fifth graders worked in their small groups to gather information from three different sources to further their understanding of the regions and the people who lived there. This information was compiled in graphic organizers which will help with the poster part of the project. We will continue to work on this on Friday.


Reading - read for 25 minutes each night and records thoughts on reading log. Due Friday 1/28

Tuesday, January 25, 2022


The fifth graders had time for an interesting math lesson on this early release school day. We looked to solve some multi-step word problems that involved two digit divisors. This was a nice start to a lesson that will continue tomorrow.

I look forward to meeting with parents and guardians this afternoon.


Reading - read for 25 minutes each night and records thoughts on reading log. Due Friday 1/28

Monday, January 24, 2022


We returned to school today and the fifth graders looked to complete an assessment to track their progress through the halfway point of unit four. The students worked diligently on this and I am sure the results will reflect their dedication to the work. Tomorrow we will start the second half of this important unit.

Our ELA time saw the fifth graders continuing the lesson that we began on Friday. Using a graphic organizer, the students formulated an opinion concerning an article about the history of zoos. This will serve as a nice jumping off point for the first draft of their opinion pieces, which we will begin later this week.


Reading - read for 25 minutes each night and records thoughts on reading log. Due Friday 1/28

Friday, January 21, 2022


The fifth graders are approaching the conclusion of our second investigation in unit four in math class. We continued to work on different techniques to solve division and multiplication word problems during our math time this morning. Early next week the kids will take a short assessment on this unit.

We were also able to return to our opinion writing topic during ELA time. Within the next two weeks, students are going to begin their research into the topic in earnest. 

I hope everyone has a nice weekend.

Thursday, January 20, 2022


The fifth graders continued to refine their division strategies in the early portion of the school day. Using starter problems, the kids then looked to complete some multi-step word problems. Quality work being done throughout the period.

We also returned to another mini-lesson pertaining to opinion writing. The kids looked at some data tables pertaining to the lifespans of elephants living in different circumstances and then responded to some focus questions. We will have another writing lesson tomorrow. 


Math - workbook page 241, due Friday 1/21.

Wednesday, January 19, 2022


During our ELA time, the fifth graders wrapped up a pre-assessment concerning our next reading unit of study. This unit, which will see the kids working with complex, non-fiction texts, will start in earnest over the next few days. The pre-assessment will provide valuable insight into where the students stand in regards to some of the important focus questions from the unit. 

We also returned to our work about the original 13 colonies during social studies time after lunch. Over the next two weeks, the kids will be broken up into small groups and assigned a colonial region. They will work to create a poster pertaining to some of the key components of each of the regions. We continued to lay solid groundwork for this project during our lesson this afternoon. 


Math - workbook page 241, due Friday 1/21.

Tuesday, January 18, 2022


We returned to school after the long weekend and continued to make progress in unit 4 during our math time.

The fifth graders also began their new read aloud book called Number the Stars. 

I look forward to meeting with parents this afternoon. As a reminder, next Tuesday the 25th is also an early release day for conferences. 


Math - there will be math homework later this week

Friday, January 14, 2022


A highly productive week concluded with more work being done in our division review unit. The fifth graders did a commendable job with a batch of word problems today. There was also an opportunity for students who finished that work to segue into some math puzzles that challenged the students with some interesting number sense ideas. 

I hope everyone has a nice weekend. Go Patriots.

Thursday, January 13, 2022


The fifth graders transitioned to the second portion of unit 4 in their math work. Similar to the first half of the unit, this will serve as a review period that will allow the students to practice division work. The students received their most recent assessment back today, the grades were quite good on the whole.


Reading - 25 minutes of reading per night. Fill out log on nightly basis. Due Friday 1/14

Math - workbook page 223, due Friday 1/14

Wednesday, January 12, 2022


We launched our latest reading unit during our ELA time this morning. This new unit, which revolves around works of non-fiction will see the students working with complex texts and looking to compile information and sources for a research project. Today, was a great opportunity for the students to familiarize themselves with some of the components of complex, non-fiction texts. 

The fifth graders also worked to solve division word problems during math time. The central part of today's work saw the kids create a word problems and then solve it with a visual representation on a piece of poster paper.  


Reading - 25 minutes of reading per night. Fill out log on nightly basis. Due Friday 1/14

Math - workbook page 223, due Friday 1/14

Tuesday, January 11, 2022


The fifth graders continued onto the next lesson in our opinion writing unit during our ELA time. Working in pairs, the kids read an article that concerns an affliction that some animals develop when kept in captivity. They then looked to gather evidence pertaining to the article's main idea. This was a valuable lesson that seemed to engage the students.

We also took our first assessment of the new year during math class. This multiplication quiz will offer valuable feedback as to where the kids are in terms of their unit four progress.


Reading - 25 minutes of reading per night. Fill out log on nightly basis. Due Friday 1/14

Math - workbook page 223, due Friday 1/14

Monday, January 10, 2022


The fifth graders undertook the next lesson in their opinion writing unit this afternoon. Looking at a short news video from Phoenix, the kids learned about a zoo's efforts to save a highly endangered animal. Using this video to gather evidence about a zoo's role in the world they then filled out a graphic organizer. We continue to do a fine job laying the groundwork for more significant pieces of writing to come. 


Reading - 25 minutes of reading per night. Fill out log on nightly basis. Due Friday 1/14

Math - homework later this week

Thursday, January 6, 2022


The students were able to refine their standard algorithm work from yesterday's math lesson. In the span of two lessons, I was impressed with the strides that many of the students made. We were also able to have the kids solve some word problems using the array method. A productive lesson all the way around.

I look forward to meeting with parents during conference time tonight. 

Here is the zoom link for that:

Wednesday, January 5, 2022


We launched our next writing unit during our ELA time this morning. This unit of study will see the kids working on an opinion research topic. To lay the groundwork for future lessons, the fifth graders read an article about pet ownership and then used a graphic organizer to practice the skill of supporting one's' opinion with ample evidence. This was a productive lesson that the fifth graders were engaged with throughout. 

Our math time was spent focused on refining our use of the standard algorithm to solve multiplication problems. Some of the students have this skill mastered, while others are working diligently to practice this method. I was impressed with the perseverance that was in evidence. We will continue with this work tomorrow. 

Tuesday, January 4, 2022


We continued with the next lesson in unit four during math class. This unit will serve as a timely review of multiplication concepts. The goal is for the fifth graders to refine some of the skills that they built earlier this year. Many of the students were able to complete are parts of our agenda during this sessions today. 

Our class is also approaching the end of our second read aloud book this year, Auggie and Me. We will look to finish this book and complete a piece of writing some time next week. 

Monday, January 3, 2022


The students returned to the classroom for the first time in the new year today. Everyone was excited to see one another after the time off. Our morning meeting time allowed the kids time to share some memories and highlights from their vacation week. 

This week and the next few weeks are going to be important ones for the fifth graders. We began a new math unit today and over the next few days will also kick off new reading and writing units of study. I am looking forward to getting into this new material with the fifth graders.

There will be no homework this week. As a reminder, this Thursday the 6th, virtual parent conferences will be held from six to eight o'clock.