We finished up the month of May with a quality fantasy book group session. The students responded to a writing prompt concerning the quest that their main character is one and then they transitioned to some group reading. We are going to return to our informational writing tomorrow morning.
Tuesday, May 31, 2022
Friday, May 27, 2022
Thursday, May 26, 2022
Wednesday, May 25, 2022
We returned to a normal schedule this Wednesday. Fantasy book groups and informational writing refinements were the points of emphasis during the school day. I loved to see so much progress being made towards wrapping up our final piece of writing. Our informational essays are going to be great.
Tomorrow, the kids are going to take the second session of their science MCAS test.
Tuesday, May 24, 2022
The fifth graders wrapped up the first portion of their science MCAS this morning. One down, one to do. All of the fifth grade classrooms will conclude the science portion of the test and MCAS as a whole on Thursday.
Monday, May 23, 2022
Friday, May 20, 2022
Thursday, May 19, 2022
Fantasy book groups continued to make progress with their novels this morning. Most of the groups were able to read two full chapters and then respond to a writing prompt. The groups are greatly enjoying their fantasy books to this point.
Wednesday, May 18, 2022
The fifth graders practiced for their upcoming science MCAS exam this morning. By getting their feet wet with some of the site's testing features, the kids will be better prepared for next week.
We also had another very productive writing block. Compliments to all of the kids on their work the last few weeks in our writing classes.
Tuesday, May 17, 2022
The students met with their fantasy book groups to progress deeper into their novels. Each group was responsible for responding to a writing prompt at the conclusion of their session today as well.
Tomorrow and Thursday, the students in A303 are going to do some preparation for next week's science MCAS exam. Session one is on Monday and session two will be Tuesday.
Monday, May 16, 2022
Wednesday, May 11, 2022
Today was a productive day on two fronts for the fifth graders in room A303. We had another productive writing lesson during the later stages of the school day. Body paragraph drafting as well as conferences and peer editing were all taking place during this time. The papers are shaping up nicely.
The fifth graders also reviewed two multi-step word problems in preparation for tomorrow's start of math MCAS testing. It very much seems like the kids are in a positive frame of mind heading into the assessment.
Tomorrow and Friday will see the fifth graders taking their math MCAS tests. Please have all Chromebooks charged and ready to go both days.
Tuesday, May 10, 2022
Fantasy book groups were the main order of business during our work today. Each of the groups is making steady progress through the early chapters of their fantasy novels. The level of discourse during this time continues to be worthwhile.
The students will be taking math MCAS tomorrow and Friday. Please make sure all kids have their Chromebooks and that they are fully charged for tomorrow and Friday.
Monday, May 9, 2022
Friday, May 6, 2022
Thursday, May 5, 2022
The fifth graders took part in an excellent enrichment activity that tied into our Revolutionary War unit this morning. Everyone was able to explore a "Traveling Trunk" which allowed the kids to explore this time period using artifacts and documents from the era. Working in small groups, the student explored a number of stations that taught them about the early stages of the Revolutionary War leading into the battles of Lexington and Concord. Fantastic start to the school day.
Reading - 25 minutes of reading per night, fill out reading log. Due Friday 5/6
Wednesday, May 4, 2022
The kids continued to work well within their fantasy book groups this morning. Both the pace and the conversations that are taking place are excellent. We will return to our fantasy books on Friday.
We turned our attention to the First Continental Congress during social studies this afternoon. Students learned about some of the participants and the importance of this body.
Reading - 25 minutes of reading per night, fill out reading log. Due Friday 5/6
Tuesday, May 3, 2022
The fifth graders put some time into their informational writing piece during our ELA time. Each student has selected a Revolutionary War topic to write about and then used a graphic organizer to help them collect information from at least two sources. This will continue on Thursday.
All of the fifth grades all had their picture taken for the class yearbook.
Reading - 25 minutes of reading per night, fill out reading log. Due Friday 5/6
Monday, May 2, 2022
The fifth graders began the day with a visit from staff from the Gibbs School. After a brief presentation, the kids were able to ask some questions that they had about sixth grade.
Later in the day, fantasy book groups were able to meets. After reading, they did some writing about the quest that their main characters are undertaking.
Reading - 25 minutes of reading per night, fill out reading log. Due Friday 5/6