

Friday, December 22, 2023


During morning meeting we spent time sharing out what we are looking forward to during our December vacation week. 

Kids spent time playing board games and card games in small groups in the afternoon.

I hope everyone has a nice holiday break and look forward to seeing the kids back at school in 2024.

Friday, December 15, 2023


We took our first assessment in unit four during math class. This test will gauge where the kids stand with their understanding of multiplication concepts.

Next week, we are going to preview our next writing unit of study. This unit will see the fifth graders writing opinion pieces.

I hope everyone has a nice weekend.

Thursday, December 14, 2023


Tomorrow, we are going to take our first assessment in unit four during math class. We spent one final day reviewing various methods to solve multiplication problems.

Our ELA time was spent having book groups working on their three part end of unit project. Each group is responsible for writing a summary, a recommendation and creating a book poster. Productive day today for the groups.


Math - multiplication worksheet due Friday 12/15

Wednesday, December 13, 2023


We reviewed the standard multiplication algorithm during math class and also had some time to work on some mixed number problems. 

The kids continue to really enjoy the class read aloud book, Auggie & Me. This week they will be responding to a prompt concerning character traits.


Math - multiplication worksheet due Friday 12/15

Tuesday, December 12, 2023


During ELA time, the kids met with their book groups and continued work on their end of unit book poster and summary. The last two days have been productive ones and the groups have done a nice job of sharing ideas and suggestions with each other. This work will be ongoing over the next two weeks.

In the afternoon, the kids met with their second grade book buddies. The fifth graders were able to share their literary essays with their younger peers and the second graders shared a recent piece of writing as well. Next week we will meet with the second grade one final time in 2023.


Math - multiplication worksheet due Friday 12/15

Monday, December 11, 2023


This week we are going to conclude our literary essay writing unit. The kids will get to share their final published pieces with their peers and will receive a graded rubric and a copy to keep. The fifth graders did a great job throughout their writing unit.

We are also going to kick off unit four in math class. This section of the fifth grade curriculum will see the kids reviewing and refining multiplication strategies.


Math - multiplication worksheet due Friday 12/15

Friday, December 8, 2023


We concluded our fraction unit this morning by taking our assessment. The fifth graders did wonderful work during this section and I am sure that will be reflected in their grades.

I hope everyone has a nice weekend.

Thursday, December 7, 2023


We spent one final day reviewing important fraction concepts in preparation for tomorrow's assessment.  When the students complete the test tomorrow, they will partner up to play a logic game.


Math - adding fractions worksheet, due Friday 12/8

Wednesday, December 6, 2023


After finishing the first section of Auggie & Me during read aloud time yesterday, the fifth graders worked in pairs to respond to some short answer and opinion questions. This work will be ongoing throughout the course of the novel.

In math class, line plots continued to be the main area of focus. We once again had the kids plot fraction and mixed number data and then solve some addition and subtraction problems. Later this week, we will take an assessment.


Math - adding fractions worksheet, due Friday 12/8

Tuesday, December 5, 2023


The kids worked with line plots during math class this morning. Each of the fifth graders made a line plot to display a data set of measurements that involved fractions. This was an important lesson and the kids did a nice job with it.

In the afternoon, the kids were able to visit with author Jerry Pallotta.


Math - will be given later this week

Monday, December 4, 2023


The fifth graders spent time in the afternoon continuing to practice making inferences using two more Pixar shorts. This important skill will be one that the kids use throughout the school year.

Tomorrow, the author Jerry Pallotta will visit with the Thompson students. The fifth graders are looking forward to this a great deal.


Math - will be given later this week

Friday, December 1, 2023


We had a very productive week. Working on mixed number and fraction problems in math, making more progress with our essays and making inferences about Pixar short films.

I hope everyone has a nice weekend.

Thursday, November 30, 2023


We wrapped up the month of November on a strong note today. The kids in room A303 began exploring addition and subtraction of mixed numbers during math class. This important lesson will carry over into tomorrow. Our ELA time was spent making inferences using a Pixar short film. The kids did a great job with this and enjoyed the screen time.


Math - fraction worksheet due Friday 12/1

Reading - read for 30 minutes each night

Wednesday, November 29, 2023


Our math lesson was an important one this morning. The fifth graders began working to subtract fractions. Using the same skill set that we developed over the last two weeks, they did a wonderful job.

We are also less than one week away from our visit with author Jerry Pallotta. The kids are very excited to meet him and listen to his stories about creating his books.


Math - fraction worksheet due Friday 12/1

Reading - read for 30 minutes each night

Tuesday, November 28, 2023


The fifth graders spent time touching up and refining portions of their literary essays during ELA time. We are approaching the final stages of the writing process and the writer's conferences have been going very well. A lot of time and effort have been put into these pieces and the fifth graders are excited to finish these.


Math - fraction worksheet due Friday 12/1

Reading - read for 30 minutes each night

Monday, November 27, 2023


During our morning meeting, the fifth graders shared out highlights from their holiday break. It seems like many of them had a great time and were able to spend a portion of their long weekends with friends and family.

We returned to both our fraction work as well as our realistic fiction book groups during the school day. Our goal is to have all groups finished with their first novel by the ned of next week.


Math - fraction worksheet due Friday 12/1

Reading - read for 30 minutes each night

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Tuesday, November 21, 2023


The fifth graders took a fraction assessment during math class. The work that they have done these last few weeks has been quite good and I am confident that that will be reflected in the scores from this test.

After lunch we met with our book buddies and did some reading.

Tomorrow is a one o'clock dismissal.

Monday, November 20, 2023


We spent one final day working on fraction comparison and addition problems during math class. Tomorrow the fifth graders are going to take an assessment.

During read aloud time, we began our new book called Auggie & Me. 

Due to the short week, there will be no homework this week.

Thursday, November 16, 2023


During math class, the fifth graders learned a new fraction game called Roll Around the Clock. Using two set of die, the kids looked to add fractions and record their tallies on a recording sheet. This went very well. It has been an excellent week in math to this point.

Later in the day, room A303 completed their planet classification activity in small groups. The data that they compiled during this activity will be used next week during another lesson. 


Reading - read for 30 minutes each night

Math - fraction worksheet (double sided) due on Friday 11/17

Wednesday, November 15, 2023


We began our work with adding fractions during math class this morning. Using clock faces, the kids worked to solve some problems and continued to explore equivalent fractions. After some fits and starts at the start of the lesson, the kids did a wonderful job. We are going to continue this work over the next two days.


Reading - read for 30 minutes each night

Math - fraction worksheet (double sided) due on Friday 11/17

Tuesday, November 14, 2023


The fifth grade book groups shared updates on where they are in their novels with their peers this morning during ELA time. After having a brief discussion about key turning points, the kids then read further in their books. We are making good progress in our books the last two weeks.


Reading - read for 30 minutes each night

Math - fraction worksheet (double sided) due on Friday 11/17

Monday, November 13, 2023


The fifth graders had an opportunity to share their planet posters that they have worked on over the last two weeks. Each of the kids did a great job with these and they should be proud of their efforts. These will look good hung up in the classroom.


Reading - read for 30 minutes each night

Math - fraction worksheet (double sided) due on Friday 11/17

Thursday, November 9, 2023


We ended the short week with more quality work being done in math class with fractions and book groups reading deeper into their novels.

Happy Veterans Day to those who have served. Have a nice long weekend. 

Wednesday, November 8, 2023


Fifth graders worked to identify fraction equivalents through reasoning and visuals. We also worked to represent these fractions of various sized grids.

Tomorrow, those fifth graders who have volunteered for safety patrols, will meet together in the afternoon to go over expectations and responsibilities of their roles. 

As a reminder, there is no school this Friday November 10th. 

Tuesday, November 7, 2023


The fifth graders continued their early exploration of fractions during our math time. Using different sized grids, the kids looked to visually represent various unit fractions. This lead into completing some workbook pages in pairs. The first two lessons in unit three have gone well. Quality participation is evident throughout the classroom.

Our ELA time saw the members of A303 reconvene with their book groups. Many of the groups have passed the halfway point of their novels and are eager to see how the stories conclude.

As a reminder, there is no school this Friday November 10th. 

Monday, November 6, 2023


This week is an important one for the fifth graders, as we begin our study of fractions in math class. We are going to be digging into this important subject matter over the next few weeks and today was a nice introduction for the kids.

We are also going to begin writer's conferences this week. I look forward to seeing the drafts of literary essays that the fifth graders have been working on over the past few weeks.

As a reminder, there is no school this Friday November 10th. 

Friday, November 3, 2023


Another productive week in the book for the fifth graders in room A303. The kids returned to their book groups this morning. We began the period by having the fifth graders respond to a writing prompt about their books. This lead into more quality time reading within their groups.

After lunch, the kids helped the Green Team load pumpkins into the Black Earth truck. My compliments to the kids for being a help to this worthy effort.

I hope everyone has a nice weekend.

Thursday, November 2, 2023


It was nice to hear the kids sharing about their Halloween candy hauls during morning meeting. Sounds like everyone made out well.

We returned to our literary essays during ELA time this morning. Many of the fifth graders are nearing completion on their first draft. Starting next week, writing conferences will begin in earnest.


Reading - read for 30 minutes each night and fill out reading log. Due in class on Friday November 3rd.

Tuesday, October 31, 2023


The month of October ended with another book group session during ELA time and continuing to work with volume problems during math time. Later this week, the kids are going to respond to a prompt concerning their reading books.

As a reminder, the kids do not have school tomorrow, Wednesday November 1st.


Reading - read for 30 minutes each night and fill out reading log. Due in class on Friday November 3rd.

Monday, October 30, 2023


The fifth graders began a group activity in math class this morning that saw them working to determine the volume of our classroom. Using twelve rulers and packing tape, the kids created a cubic foot long cube that they then used to solve for volume. This activity went well.

We also spent more time working on our body paragraphs for our literary essays.


Reading - read for 30 minutes each night and fill out reading log. Due in class on Friday November 3rd.

Friday, October 27, 2023


We had a great time at the Museum of Science Planetarium this morning. The kids were well behaved and they enjoyed the program that they took part in.

I hope everyone has a nice weekend.

Thursday, October 26, 2023


The fifth graders continued to make steady progress with their realistic fiction books during ELA time. I have know read with each of the reading groups twice and I have enjoyed getting to listen to discussions of themes and character traits. We are going to return to our novels twice next week. 

Our field trip to the Planetarium at the Museum of Science is tomorrow.


Math - workbook pages 105 and 106 due Friday 10/27. Use graph paper provided in class to create pattern for question 3.

Wednesday, October 25, 2023


The focus of our ELA work this morning was getting a start on our body paragraphs for our literary essays. Fifth graders worked in pairs to identify key sections of the story to touch upon in their essays and then drafted. Productive session. 

Our field trip to the Planetarium at the Museum of Science is this Friday.


Math - workbook pages 105 and 106 due Friday 10/27. Use graph paper provided in class to create pattern for question 3.

Tuesday, October 24, 2023


We continued to explore volume during math class this morning. Along with that came some valuable division review. The kids continue to impress with their willingness to solve problems in a variety of ways. 

Our field trip to the Planetarium at the Museum of Science is this Friday.


Math - workbook pages 105 and 106 due Friday 10/27. Use graph paper provided in class to create pattern for question 3.

Monday, October 23, 2023


Each of the fifth graders completed their first draft of their opening paragraphs for their literary essays during ELA. Over the next two weeks we are going to continue drafting and move into our body paragraphs.

On Friday we are taking our first field trip to the Museum of Science.


Math - workbook pages 105 and 106 due Friday 10/27. Use graph paper provided in class to create pattern for question 3.

Friday, October 20, 2023


The fifth graders are very excited up next week's field trip to the Museum of Science. To their credit they also put their best effort into today's work. We had one final day of work with volume problems during math class. Each of the kids completed a few worksheets and then spent time creating 3D shapes using connecting cubes that they then determined their volume.

We also were hard at work on our lead paragraphs for our literary essays. Many of the students crafted a quality intro and we will turn our attention to our body paragraphs next week.

I hope everyone has a nice weekend.

Thursday, October 19, 2023


The fifth graders had the opportunity to share out some interesting details from the early stages of their reading group books during ELA time. This segued into the groups reading deeper into their novels. I have enjoyed getting to read with each of the groups. Next week, the kids will respond to a writing prompt about their books.

Permission slips for the field trip on Friday 10/27 should be returned as soon as possible.


Reading - read for 30 minutes each night and fill out reading log on a nightly basis. Due in class on 10/20

Wednesday, October 18, 2023


Math class saw the fifth graders finding the volume of various rectangular prisms using connecting cubes and graph paper. 

During ELA time, each of the kids selected a short story to begin crafting their literary essay.

Permission slips for the field trip on Friday 10/27 should be returned as soon as possible.


Reading - read for 30 minutes each night and fill out reading log on a nightly basis. Due in class on 10/20

Tuesday, October 17, 2023


The fifth graders once again worked with their book groups and read further into their realistic fiction novels. The kids are doing a great job tracking their thinking in their 3-step journals. I was also impressed with the discussions that were taking place concerning turning points in the early stages of their books.

After lunch, the fifth graders did some reading with their second grade book buddies. 

Permission slips for the field trip on Friday 10/27 should be returned as soon as possible.


Reading - read for 30 minutes each night and fill out reading log on a nightly basis. Due in class on 10/20

Monday, October 16, 2023


We are going to begin unit 2 in math class this week. This section will see the fifth graders working with volume problems and concepts. After the quality work done in our first unit, I can't wait to see how the kids do with our new chapter.

The fifth graders also finished their work with the short story Fly Away Home this morning. Later this week, they are going to select a short story to begin crafting their literary essays.


Reading - read for 30 minutes each night and fill out reading log on a nightly basis. Due in class on 10/20

Friday, October 13, 2023


The kids wrapped up unit one during math class this morning. They worked their way through the end of unit assessment. I look forward to looking at the results of these tests over the weekend.

I hope everyone has a nice weekend.

Thursday, October 12, 2023


We spent one final one preparing for our end of unit one exam during math class. The work the fifth graders have done concerning division, multiplication and order of operation problems has been top notch. The kids appear to be ready for the test tomorrow.

The fifth graders also continue to thoroughly enjoy Wonder, our class read aloud book. We continue to notice the changing perspectives of various characters and tomorrow the students will respond to a written prompt about our current section of the book.


Math - division worksheet, due on Friday 10/13

Tuesday, October 10, 2023


Division continued to be the name of the game in math class for the fifth graders. Using various strategies that we have been refining these last two weeks, the kids solved word problems and also spent some time reviewing order of operation problems this morning.

This afternoon, we also met with our second grade book buddies to do some reading. Once again, the fifth graders worked very well with their younger peers.


Math - division worksheet, due on Friday 10/13

Friday, October 6, 2023


The fifth graders are reaching the later stages of unit one in their math work. We had an exceptional work of division this week. Next week, the kids will look to take their unit one assessment.

During ELA time, the fifth graders met with their book groups and read the first two chapters of their realistic fiction books. 

Finally, we ended the school day by playing geography bingo during social studies.

I hope everyone has a nice weekend.

Wednesday, October 4, 2023


The kids explored the concepts of latitude and longitude during our social studies time. Using maps, they plotted the coordinates of states on a data table.

Our math time was spent focusing on writing division word problems that we then solved.

Tuesday, October 3, 2023


The fifth graders continued to work on division word problems during math time this morning. The last two days have been filled with quality work and share out of thinking. 

After having their pictures taken as part of the Thompson School picture day, the members of A303 learned who they will be working with as part of their book groups for realistic fiction texts.

Monday, October 2, 2023


We began the month of October by using multiple towers to help us solve division problems in math class. The kids are quickly realizing that using different multiplication strategies is going to help us solve division problems. Today was a productive class that we will look to continue into tomorrow's lesson.

Our ELA time was spent responding to a prompt concerning the various short stories that we have read to this point. The kids focused on a problem that the protagonist has faced in one story.

Tomorrow is picture day at the Thompson School.

Friday, September 29, 2023


Big day in math this morning as the fifth graders pushed into the last section of unit one. This portion of the chapter will see the kids working with division word problems. Today was a nice way to reintroduce the kids to the operation and work through some problems together.

Fifth graders also read their next short story as part of our literary essay writing unit.

I hope everyone has a nice weekend.

Picture day is October 3rd.

Thursday, September 28, 2023


The fifth graders sunk their teeth into out next short story during ELA time. After reading Spaghetti by Cynthia Rylant, the kids paired up to answer some questions pertaining to theme and author's intent. Very productive lesson.

We also met with our second grade book buddies in Mrs. Dichter's class in the afternoon. After taking part in a get to know you activity, the kids they read some books selected by the second graders. The fifth graders were encouraging and helpful throughout this time.

Look forward to meeting with parents and guardians during back to school night tonight.

Picture day is October 3rd.

Wednesday, September 27, 2023


The fifth graders took their second math assessment this morning. Using the multiplication strategies that they have learned over the last two weeks, the kids worked through a series of problems. Based on the effort and participation, I am sure the kids did very well.

Everyone is excited for our first meeting with our second grade book buddies in Mrs. Dichter's class tomorrow afternoon.

I also look forward to meeting parents and guardians during tomorrow night's back to school gathering.

Picture day is Tuesday October 3rd.

Tuesday, September 26, 2023


This week will see the kids take their second math assessment of the new year. We have been working hard on multiplication problems and this test will gauge the fifth graders progress with the material. Today was spent reviewing some important concepts from last week.

We are also just about ready to launch our realistic fiction book groups. The kids will find out which novel they are going to be working with later this week.

Friday, September 22, 2023


The kids continued to work with cluster problems during math time. Each of the fifth graders also received back their first math assessment that they took earlier this week. The grades were strong across the board and the kids should feel proud of their efforts throughout these first three weeks. Parents should ask their child to share their mark with them.

I hope everyone has a nice long weekend.

Thursday, September 21, 2023


The fifth graders continued to work with multiplication problems in math class. We explored cluster problems and used these to help us estimate and then solve a series of workbook pages. With time left, the kids partnered up and played multiplication compare.

Pictures will be on October 3rd.


Either by this Friday the 22nd or Tuesday the 26th, the fifth graders should decorate their writing notebooks with pictures or images that are important to them.

Wednesday, September 20, 2023


We finished our responses to our first official writing lesson during ELA. The kids explored a video and article about a youth soccer team from Thailand. They did a wonderful job focusing in on traits and themes.

Multiplication continued to be the order of the day in math class. We were working to solve problems using marked and unmarked arrays.

Pictures will be on October 3rd.


Either by this Friday the 22nd or Tuesday the 26th, the fifth graders should decorate their writing notebooks with pictures or images that are important to them.

Tuesday, September 19, 2023


We are hard at work on two digit by two digit multiplication problems in math class. Many of the students worked on creating a word problem that they solved with an equation and with a visual. These turned out very good.

As this week progresses we are going to start reading a series of short stories. These texts are going to be used as part of our literary essay writing unit.

School pictures will be taken on October 3.

Monday, September 18, 2023


We bagan the week with the kids taking their first math assessment. The work last week was strong and I am sure that will be reflected in the results. After the assessment, the kids returned to work on order of operation problems.

Our ELA time saw the fifth graders put the finishing touches on their book group pre-assessment. Within the next two weeks the kids will be assigned groups and will select the novel that they are going to be reading.

School pictures will be taken on October 3.

Friday, September 15, 2023


We conducted our first science experiment today. The fifth graders went outside this morning and this afternoon and chalked their shadows on the ground. This lead into an interesting lesson on shadows and the sun. The kids worked well in pairs.

The fifth graders are also hard at work on order of operation problems in math class. Next week, they will take their first assessment to gauge their understanding on these types of problems.

Have a nice weekend.

Thursday, September 14, 2023


The fifth graders began work on a piece of writing that will serve as a pre-assessment for our realistic fiction book groups. We are going to look to have the kids finish this important task tomorrow afternoon.

Room A303 students also launched their first science unit this afternoon. We are going to be exploring the solar system and the kids seem excited to dig into this material.

Wednesday, September 13, 2023


The fifth graders used a picture book story to model some of our guiding reading principals during ELA time. Working in pairs, the fifth graders responded to prompts and then had the chance to share their thinking with their peers. This was a worthwhile session.

We also wrapped up our two day number puzzle activity during math class. The last two days have seen the kids working hard and working constructively together. Great to see.

Tuesday, September 12, 2023


We continued our series of introductory lessons in social studies this afternoon. Yesterday, the fifth graders created a compass rose and in today's work they used those directions to help them work through a series of map worksheets. Some nice teamwork was taking place in room A303.

Monday, September 11, 2023


Thank goodness the weather has cooled off for the fifth graders. We began our first week together with a busy day. Continued to work with arrays during math class. The kids also launched our first reading lesson by talking about genres. We are going to lay the groundwork for important work to come this week in ELA. Lastly, the kids had their first art class of the new school year.

Friday, September 8, 2023


It was an unpleasant week weather wise, but not for the 18 members of A303 in the classroom. We concluded our first week together with another exciting energizer during morning meeting. During math class we continued our early exploration of multiplication using arrays. We also began our introduction to some key reading concepts during our ELA time. It was great getting to meet and learn about the kids this week and I look forward to starting our first full week together on Monday. Have a nice weekend.

Thursday, September 7, 2023


The fifth graders kicked off the first unit of our math work this morning. After another exciting morning meeting, the kids looked to recall multiplication facts as they filled out a times table. This lead us into some work with arrays. This important work will be ongoing over the next few weeks. Very impressive start to the year for the kids in A303.

Wednesday, September 6, 2023


Great to see all of the fifth graders return for day 2 this morning. Despite the heat and humidity, the kids had another quality day. Starting today and continuing into tomorrow, the members of A303 are going to be crafting a "Special Me" poem that will tell their peers a little about their interests and hobbies. Parents will also get to see these during Back to School night later this month.

Tomorrow we are officially going to launch unit one in math class.

Tuesday, September 5, 2023


Today was an exciting day at the Thompson School as we officially launched the 2023 - 2024 school year. It was exciting for me to begin getting to know the 18 fifth graders who will be in room A303 this academic year. We took part in some getting to know you activities this morning and began familiarizing ourselves with the routines of the classroom and the building this year. These activities will continue into tomorrow. Later this week, we are going to kick start our math and reading units.

Thank you to all families who contributed to the classroom supplies, it is greatly appreciated.

As a reminder, tomorrow and all Wednesdays this year, dismissal time will be at 1 o'clock. 

Thursday, June 22, 2023


Congratulations to all of the fifth graders on completing a wonderful school year and their time at the Thompson School. It has been a pleasure to learn and laugh with my 25 students and I know they will all do wonderful things at the Gibbs and in the future. I also want to thank all parents and families for the thoughtful gifts, they are much appreciated. I hope everyone has a relaxing summer break.

Wednesday, June 21, 2023


The graduation ceremony was a huge success. Congratulations to all of the fifth graders and a thank you to family and friends for attending.

Tomorrow is the last day of school with the clap out ceremony beginning at 11:15.

Tuesday, June 20, 2023


The last week of the school year is upon us. Today the kids spent some time cleaning their desks and work bins. They also received a final copy of their informational writing pieces with a rubric attached. The work done on these was top notch and the kids should feel proud of their efforts.

In the afternoon, the kids worked on an art project that saw them painting planters that will be hung up outside the Thompson School.

Tomorrow is the graduation ceremony and families are invited to attend. Parents and other family members should look to start entering the school around 845 and the ceremony will begin around 9 o'clock.

Friday, June 16, 2023


The fifth graders enjoyed themselves a great deal at Launch this morning. They wished they could have spent the whole weekend there.

Next week is our final week of school and the graduation ceremony will be at 9 a.m. on Wednesday the 21st. Parents and families are invited to begin entering the Thompson building fifteen minutes before the ceremony commences.

I hope everyone has a nice weekend.

Thursday, June 15, 2023


Each of the fifth graders took some time today to share a response of two from their fantasy book club packet. The groups worked well together during this unit and the students seemed to enjoy the novels that they read.

Tomorrow morning we are taking a field trip to Launch in Woburn.

Wednesday, June 14, 2023


All fifth graders completed their informational writing pieces this morning. A lot of time and effort went into these and the kids did a nice job. They will each receive a hard copy next week with a grade attached.

Tomorrow, we are going to watch a movie and on Friday is our field trip day. 

Tuesday, June 13, 2023


A few more students crossed the finish line with their informational writing pieces this morning. The goal is to have the final few kids published tomorrow.

The fifth graders have a movie day coming up this Thursday followed by a field trip to Launch in Woburn on Friday.

Monday, June 12, 2023


The fifth graders have a movie day coming up this Thursday followed by a field trip to Launch in Woburn on Friday. Exciting times for the kids.

The early part of the week will see all fifth graders look to put the finishing touches on their informational writing pieces.

Friday, June 9, 2023


The fifth graders enjoyed their tour of the Gibbs this morning. They were able to meet some of their future teachers and see some of the classrooms that they will be learning in next year.

When we returned to school, the members of A303 met with their second grade book buddies ones final time. They were able to exchange cards and wish each other a nice summer to come.

I hope everyone has a nice weekend. Next week, the goal is to have all of the kids complete with a published informational essay.

Thursday, June 8, 2023


Field Day was a success. The weather cooperated and the kids had a great time. Thank you to the fifth graders for also helping the younger kids during their portion of the day.

Tomorrow we are going to walk to the Gibbs and tour the building. As a reminder, we are asking all students to be dropped off at the Thompson at 7:50 so that we are able to walk to the Gibbs and arrive on time.

Wednesday, June 7, 2023


The fifth graders continued to work with converting units of measurement during class. Our focus today was on exploring the U.S. standard measurements. We have had two productive lessons in a row.

Tomorrow is field day and on Friday we are going to the Gibbs in the morning. As a reminder, we are asking all students to be dropped off at the Thompson at 7:50 so that we are able to walk to the Gibbs and arrive on time for our tours.

Tuesday, June 6, 2023


We dug into the details of the Battle of Bunker Hill this afternoon. The students looked at some paintings and maps of the battle and then also looked at some data tables about the number of soldiers on the battlefield. This was an interesting and productive lesson.

Please have permission slips and waivers for Gibbs visit and Launch returned as soon as possible.

Monday, June 5, 2023


This is a busy week for the us. We have field day on Thursday and our Gibbs visit on Friday. The fifth graders also are going to attempt to have their informational pieces published by the end of the week. 

There will be no more homework given this year.

Friday, June 2, 2023


The members of A303 were able to watch a performance of Chitty Chitty Bang Bang Jr. this morning. All of the kids who took part in the play did a great job and the students in the audience enjoyed the performances.

Next week has two notable items. On Thursday the eighth, the Thompson School is having field day. Finally, on Friday we are going to walk to the Gibbs School to tour the building.

I hope everyone has a nice weekend.

Thursday, June 1, 2023


The kids had a blast during the Parkour enrichment program yesterday. After seeing an instructor model a Parkour movement, the kids then modeled the same movement. 

The month of June will begin with a fantasy book group lesson. On Friday we are going to be in the audience during one of the school plays.

Tuesday, May 30, 2023


Fantasy book group reading and informational writing are going to be our focus these next two weeks. We want all fifth graders in A303 to be done with their novels and final drafts by next Friday. Today, the kids continued to work hard on these two important items. 

Tomorrow, the fifth grades will take part in the parkour enrichment activity.

Friday, May 26, 2023


The fifth graders have a well deserved long weekend in front of them. Between their work on the recent science and math MCAS tests and their continued perseverance on their informational writing pieces, they had a heavy workload these past two weeks. My compliments to their continued dedication.

Next weekend, the fifth graders will take part in the parkour enrichment program.

I hope everyone has a nice Memorial Day weekend.

Thursday, May 25, 2023


Fifth graders continued to be hard at work on various parts of their informational writing. Conferences are also being held and the papers are turning out well.

Next Wednesday, the 31st, the fifth graders are going to take part in a Parkour enrichment program. Instructors will be teaching the kids skills and games that they can play on the playground equipment.

Wednesday, May 24, 2023


Fantasy book groups responded to another prompt while reading their books during ELA today. A few groups are approaching the conclusion of their novels. Other groups are going to use DEAR time to continue to make progress with their books.

We are also nearing the finish of unit seven in math class. We are going to continue to work multiplying decimals over the next few lessons.

Tuesday, May 23, 2023


MCAS is officially complete for the fifth graders. They worked through the second session of their science test this morning. Well done fifth graders.

Tomorrow and for the remaining school days, we will be back to a normal routine.

Monday, May 22, 2023


Today and tomorrow will see the kids take their third and final MCAS assessment, the science portion of the test. The fifth graders should once again be commended for their effort level these past few weeks. It will be nice to be done with these testing days.

We also managed to fit in some work in our fantasy book groups later in the school day.

Friday, May 19, 2023


The fifth graders spent time working on their informational writing pieces. Many of the students have finished a draft and conferences are ongoing. A few other students have moved on to a project that will see them creating Revolutionary War trading cards. This important work will continue next week.

Fifth graders are also taking their science MCAS test next Monday and Tuesday. Please have all kids arrive at school on time those two days so that we may begin on time.

Have a nice weekend.

Thursday, May 18, 2023


The fifth graders finished their math MCAS this morning. Only one subject left, as next week the kids will take their science test on Monday and Tuesday.

Fifth graders also met with their book buddies and played charades with them. This was a nice way to celebrate being done with the math test.

Tomorrow, we are going to look to get more work done with our informational writing pieces.

Wednesday, May 17, 2023


It was nice for the fifth graders to return to a normal schedule this Wednesday. Many of the kids are getting to the later stages of their fantasy novels. We are focusing on challenges that the main character is facing and predicting how they may overcome said challenges as part of our next writing prompt. 

Tomorrow is the second and final session of math MCAS. Please have kids arrive at school on time so that the test may begin promptly. Thanks for your help with this.

Tuesday, May 16, 2023


The fifth graders worked their way through session one of their math MCAS this morning. Compliments to the kids for arriving on time and ready to work. Session two will be on Thursday.

Also on Thursday, the fifth grades are going to meet with their book buddies in the afternoon.

Monday, May 15, 2023


The fifth graders were fortunate to take part in the Wingmasters program this morning. Jim Parks brought a number of rescued birds of prey to school and spoke with the kids about the animals and the challenges that they are facing. The kids had a great time. 

Here is more information about the program:

The fifth grade classes are going to take the math MCAS on Tuesday and Thursday. We ask that all students arrive at school on time those days so that we can begin promptly.

Friday, May 12, 2023


We ended the week by having a unique social studies lesson. The fifth graders explored the contents of a Traveling Trunk, which contained artifacts and information about various Revolutionary War events. Working in small groups, the fifth graders traveled from station to station around the classroom to explore. This is both informative and fun. I also want to thank the kids for helping to pack up the items at the conclusion of the session.

Next week, the fifth grade classes are going to take the math MCAS on Tuesday and Thursday. We ask that all students arrive at school on time those days so that we can begin promptly.

Have a nice weekend.

Thursday, May 11, 2023


The fifth graders worked on an online practice math MCAS exam this morning. We spent time, as a group, looking at a few problems from the test to clear up an misconceptions. It seems like the fifth graders are ready for next week's two session, which will be on Tuesday and Thursday.

Wednesday, May 10, 2023


We spent time in math class looking at yesterday's practice assessment. I was impressed with the kids' performance as well as their willingness to share their thoughts and questions.

Tuesday, May 9, 2023


We looked at a few MCAS practice problems to prepare ourselves for next week's two math sessions. The first session will be on Tuesday July 16th and the second will be on Thursday July 18th.

We also put in more time on our informational writing pieces.

Monday, May 8, 2023


We are going to look to have the kids read deeper into their fantasy books this week and next. The fifth graders had a productive session today and they also finished their latest prompt concerning their novels.

Later this week, we are going to look at a practice MCAS math test in preparation for next week's assessment on Tuesday and Thursday.

Friday, May 5, 2023


The fifth graders had the opportunity to meet with some of the sixth grade teachers from the Gibbs this morning. After hearing the teachers speak about the school, the members of A303 were able to spend some time asking questions. I think this was a positive experience for the future sixth graders.

We also returned to our informational writing during the school day. Each of the kids has an intro paragraph and many are putting the finishing touches on their background paragraph. This work will continue next week.

On Monday of next week, we will be taking part in an author visit. The book fair also begins on Wednesday. 

I also wanted to thank all of the parents who contributed and organized the thoughtful gift that I received today, it is greatly appreciated and means a lot.

Have a nice weekend. 

Thursday, May 4, 2023


The fantasy book groups are doing a nice job of progressing through their novels. Many of the groups were able to read a few chapters as well as responding to a new writing prompt. 

Teachers from the Gibbs will be stopping by the Thompson tomorrow to speak with the kids about sixth grade. There will also be time for the fifth graders to ask questions about next year.

Wednesday, May 3, 2023


The kids were hard at work on their introductory paragraphs during out writing session this morning. Using a graphic organizer the kids looked to imbue their opening paragraph with striking details to capture their reader's attention. Productive class. We are going to dive back into the writing process on Friday.

Tuesday, May 2, 2023


We had our last lesson in the first part of unit seven during math class this morning. This lesson saw the kids dividing fractions by whole numbers and whole numbers by fractions in the context of word problems. This is leading up to an important assessment tomorrow. The kids should be feeling confident going into this test as they continue to work extremely hard on their math material.

Our ELA time saw the kids reading their fantasy books with their groups. The focus of our writing prompt concerning the book will see the kids talking about problems or challenges their main character is facing.

On Friday, the Gibbs teachers will be paying the Thompson School a visit to answer any questions that they may have about next year.

Monday, May 1, 2023


The kids began the month by taking part in an art enrichment program with a local artist outside at the spray park. We were grateful that local artist Aimee Ledwell took the time to work with the fifth graders.

We are also approaching the closing stages of unit seven in out math class. We are going to spend this week getting ready for our next assessment.

This Friday some teachers from the Gibbs School will be coming to the Thompson to speak with the fifth graders about next year.

There is no homework this week.

Friday, April 28, 2023


We had an awesome math lesson this morning that saw the kids dividing whole numbers by fractions. To a student, the kids were on task and were solving the problems correctly. A great way to end the school week.

I hope everyone has a nice weekend.

Thursday, April 27, 2023


The fifth graders began to think about potential topics for their informational writing pieces today. They had an opportunity to peruse dozens of books pertaining to people, battles and events from the Revolutionary War era. Each student will get to choose a topic and over the next few weeks research and write about said topic. A few of the fifth graders made their choice today and we will look to have everyone else make a choice tomorrow.

Although we have many books in the classroom, it would also be beneficial for students to supplement their choices with books from the town library if possible.


Reading - 30 minutes of reading per night and fill out log on daily basis. Due in class Friday 4/28

Wednesday, April 26, 2023


In math class, we began to use arrays to help us visualize how to multiply fractions by fractions. This was another productive day as we get ready for an assessment later this week. Quality participation was evident throughout the lesson. 


Reading - 30 minutes of reading per night and fill out log on daily basis. Due in class Friday 4/28

Tuesday, April 25, 2023


We continued our study of the French and Indian war during our social studies time this afternoon. The kids will wrap up this lesson tomorrow. Quality map making skills were evident throughout the classroom. 


Reading - 30 minutes of reading per night and fill out log on daily basis. Due in class Friday 4/28

Monday, April 24, 2023


Nice to see everyone back at school this morning. We began the day taking some time during our morning meeting in sharing out highlights of the vacation week. The class also talked about our goals for these next few weeks in ELA and math. Along those lines, we returned to unit seven work during math class. Many of the kids picked up where they left off before the break, but it was nice to spend some time reviewing key concepts.

We also explored the French and Indian War as part of our larger Revolutionary War unit this afternoon in social studies. The kids looked to create maps that tracked the changing control of North America from before the war to after. 


Reading - 30 minutes of reading per night and fill out log on daily basis. Due in class Friday 4/28

Friday, April 14, 2023


We ended the week by having fantasy book groups continue their reading. Special attention was paid to the motivations of the characters that they are encountering. Each of the fifth graders has a log with which they are going to keep track of various plot developments and character arcs. The groups seem to be enjoying their novels.

I hope everyone has a relaxing vacation week. Look forward to seeing the kids back for the last week of April.

Thursday, April 13, 2023


Congratulations to all of the fifth graders for completing their ELA MCAS test this morning. We now have a few weeks off until we take the math section in May.

The kids are welcome to bring a board or card game to school with them tomorrow.

Wednesday, April 12, 2023


The kids did a great job of working through a challenging math lesson this morning. The topic of the lesson was multiplying mixed numbers by whole numbers. I was impressed with the quality of the work done throughout this time.

Tomorrow we will look to wrap up the second and final session of ELA MCAS testing.

Tuesday, April 11, 2023


After taking the first portion of their ELA MCAS test, the kids turned their attention to a continuation of yesterday's math work. The kids continue to multiply fractions by whole numbers and express their thinking with visuals. Quality work is being done that is very impressive.

Thursday, the fifth graders will take part in part two of the ELA MCAS.

Monday, April 10, 2023


This is an important week for the fifth graders. We are going to have fantasy book groups begin their novels during ELA time. While reading, the kids are going to be using a comprehensive set of organizers to collect their thoughts and provide fodder for pieces of writing that they will periodically be working on.

The kids are also going to be taking their two ELA MCAS sessions tomorrow and Thursday.

Tomorrow and Thursday, the fifth graders will be taking their ELA MCAS. I would ask parents to help ensure that all students get a good night's sleep and arrives at school on time those two days. 

There will be no homework this week.

Wednesday, April 5, 2023


The fifth graders learned which fantasy book they will be reading within their book groups during our ELA time. This lead into an activity about making predictions for the text. The kids are eager to start reading these books and that will begin in earnest next week.

Tuesday, April 4, 2023


The fifth graders finished the last lesson in unit six during math class. Our work with decimals is going to culminate in a day of free choice tomorrow, in which the kids will get to select one of the various decimals games we have learned and play with a partner. Their work throughout this unit has been stellar.

Tomorrow, all three Thompson fifth grade classes are going to take a group picture that will be used for the yearbook.

Monday, April 3, 2023


This week will see us undertaking one last preparation activity for next week's ELA MCAS sessions. The kids are going to take a practice test online to familiarize themselves with the functions of the testing website.

We are also going to wrap up our decimal unit over the next two days. We have a few more important pages to complete in our workbooks and we are also going to learn one last decimal game.

Friday, March 31, 2023


We finished the month of March by taking our unit six assessment. This test will show the level of understanding of decimals for the fifth graders. The kids have been working hard throughout the unit and I am sure that will be reflected in the results.

Room A303 also finished our read aloud book Auggie & Me and we are going to be moving into another read aloud book next week. This book will be a work of fantasy to tie into our final unit of study.

I hope everyone has a nice weekend. As a reminder, we do not have school next Friday 4/7 because of Good Friday.

Thursday, March 30, 2023


As part of our MCAS preparation, the members of A303 looked at two poems this week. After analyzing and annotating the poems the kids responded to an open response question and then shared these responses with a partner. This was valuable practice and the fifth graders did a nice job of comparing and contrasting the two pieces of writing.

Tomorrow we going to return to our science project in which the kids are designing the blueprint for a successful compost bin.

Wednesday, March 29, 2023


The fifth graders learned who they will be working with in book groups for our fantasy unit. They were also able to peruse the many fantasy titles that we have in the classroom. Tomorrow, the groups are going to select the book that they are most interested in reading.

We also had another solid decimal lesson. Room A303 is rapidly approaching the later stages of the unit and we continue to prepare for the assessment. The kids will look to take this early next week. 

Tuesday, March 28, 2023


Adding and subtracting decimals continued to be the order of the day during math class. The students are doing a great job of applying their estimation and comparison skills to help them solve word problems. We are going to have an assessment later this week.

Also, tonight is a significant planetary event:


Math - finish pages 405 and 406, if not done in class

Monday, March 27, 2023


We are going to wrap up the month of March by putting the finishing touches on our 13 colonies projects during social studies. The kids are also going to work on subtracting decimals during our math time throughout the week ahead.

There will be math homework given later this week.

Friday, March 24, 2023


We wrapped up an exciting and engaging week by taking part in the States of Matter program offered by the Museum of Science. The fifth graders watched and in some cases volunteered in performing experiments pertaining to solids, liquids and gases. This was an awesome program.

I hope everyone has a nice weekend.

Thursday, March 23, 2023


The fifth graders put a lot of time and effort into their animal research projects and the posters turned out very well. This afternoon they were able to share their posters with their second grade book buddies. The fifth graders were also a receptive audience as the second graders shared their country projects.

Tomorrow is going to be an exciting day, as we are going to take part in a states of matter enrichment program. This is be both exciting and informative.


Reading - read and complete Bulldogs packet, due Friday 3/24

Wednesday, March 22, 2023


The fifth graders took part in one more decimal game called fill 2 this morning. This game saw pairs of students drawing decimal cards and then using hundredths grids to shade in the portions that corresponded to their cards. This is a glimpse into the adding and subtracting work we will be starting tomorrow. Nice lesson this morning.

Tomorrow we are going to meet with our book buddies. The fifth graders are going to share their animal research posters with the second graders and Mrs. Dichter's class is going to share their world country projects with the fifth graders. 


Reading - read and complete Bulldogs packet, due Friday 3/24

Tuesday, March 21, 2023


We took part in an introductory fantasy book club lesson during our ELA time. The focus of our time was talking about common plot details in works of fantasy. The kids were actively involved and appear to be excited to kick this unit off and start working with their book groups. 


Reading - read and complete Bulldogs packet, due Friday 3/24

Monday, March 20, 2023


The fifth graders took part in an enrichment program this morning in the gym. The presentation, Traditions of Chinese Acrobatics, was an engaging one that the kids seemed to enjoy.

We also returned to our study of decimals. Both learning a new way to compare values and completing a few workbook pages.

Later this week, we will look to have all groups complete their 13 colonies project and make presentations to their classmates.


Reading - read and complete Bulldogs packet, due Friday 3/24

Friday, March 17, 2023


Next week the fifth graders are going to took some preparatory work for the upcoming ELA portion of the MCAS. We will also be taking part in an enrichment program on Monday that will see the kids watching a program entitled Traditions of Chinese Acrobatics. I hope everyone has a nice weekend. 

Thursday, March 16, 2023


Our last few writers conferences were wrapped up this morning. The fifth graders have now all officially finished their opinion writing pieces. A significant achievement and one that the kids should feel proud of. Over the next few days the kids will get to share their writing and accompanying poster with their classmates.


Math - finished workbook pages 379 and 380, if not done in class.

Wednesday, March 15, 2023


After the snow saw, we continued our exploration of decimals during our math time this morning. Using decimal flash cards, number lines and hundredths and thousandths grids, the kids continued to compare values and work to build equivalencies with landmark fractions. We had a very productive lesson.

Monday, March 13, 2023


This will be a culmination week for the fifth graders in terms of ELA. They have been working tirelessly on both their opinion writing pieces and their non-fiction magazine projects. The goal if for all fifth graders to be complete with both of these important pieces of work by the end of this week. A few more writing conferences will be held as well.

The kids will receive a piece of math homework later this week.

Friday, March 10, 2023


The kids took part in another zoom presentation. Today's World Language Webinar allowed the fifth graders to meet the sixth grade language teachers. This was worthwhile and the kids enjoyed the presentation.

I hope everyone has a nice weekend.

Thursday, March 9, 2023


More time was spent on our non-fiction magazine project during ELA time. Many of the fifth graders are in the process of inserting timelines or charts into their digital magazines. From walking around during the period, I was impressed with the enthusiasm that the kids continues to show while working on this. 


Reading - read for 30 minutes each night and fill out reader's log. Due Friday March 7th.

Wednesday, March 8, 2023


The fifth graders took part in the Understanding Our Differences presentation this morning. This valuable enrichment opportunity was a positive experience for the kids. We thank the presenters who took the time to speak with the kids.

We continued our work with decimals after the presentation. Using tenths and hundredths grids, the kids compared the values of decimals.


Reading - read for 30 minutes each night and fill out reader's log. Due Friday March 7th.

Tuesday, March 7, 2023


Many more fifth graders have crossed the finish line with their opinion writing pieces. These students have turned their attention to a poster project which will accompany their writing. More writer's conferences took place this morning. These papers are turning out fantastic. The kids should feel proud of their work.

Tomorrow we are going to take part in the Understanding Our Differences presentation. 


Reading - read for 30 minutes each night and fill out reader's log. Due Friday March 7th.

Monday, March 6, 2023


Today we kicked off our next unit of study in math class. This is an important one that will see the fifth graders working with decimals. We used grids to help us compare values of different decimals during today's lesson. 


Reading - read for 30 minutes each night and fill out reader's log. Due Friday March 7th.

Friday, March 3, 2023


Wonderful work was done across the board on this first Friday in March. The fifth graders put the finishing touches on unit 5 during math class. Next week we are going to launch or decimal unit.

During ELA time, the kids kept up the steady pace on their non-fiction magazine article project. These are shaping up nicely and we will look to have all of the kids complete this assignment sometime next week.

I hope everyone has a nice weekend.

Thursday, March 2, 2023


A lot of work was put towards our 13 colonies poster project during social studies time. The groups are working well together and I was impressed by the delegation of work amongst the groups. Solid teamwork evident throughout the classroom.


Reading - read and complete The Goop Monster, due Friday March 3.

Wednesday, March 1, 2023


The month of March began with the kids analyzing and comparing numerical patterns during math class. Using colored tiles, the kids continued to compile data into tables and graphed their findings.

We also used out ELA time to return to various parts of the writing process.


Reading - read and complete The Goop Monster, due Friday March 3.

Tuesday, February 28, 2023


The month of February ended with the fifth graders taking a unit five assessment in math class. This assessment offers a glimpse into the kid's understanding of ordered pair graphing and organizing data into tables. I look forward to going over the results.


Reading - read and complete The Goop Monster, due Friday March 3.

Monday, February 27, 2023


After we checked to make sure our three fish survived the vacation week, which they did, we began our first week back from the winter break. It was nice to hear the kids get to share their favorite moments from vacation week during our morning meeting. This share out topic will continue throughout the week.

This week is going to be a big writing week for us. Conferences are ongoing and peer editing and sharing will also be going on in the classroom.


Reading - read and complete The Goop Monster, due Friday March 3.

Friday, February 17, 2023


I hope everyone has a nice vacation week. Look forward to seeing everyone back on Monday the 27th.

Thursday, February 16, 2023


Students continued to explore their non-fiction books during ELA. We are highlighting various text features of these books and the kids are still in the process of gathering information to correspond to various features (compare and contrast, sequence and order, description, etc.). Some students have started work on a magazine project using Book Creator on their Chromebooks. In the early stages, these are shaping up nicely. We will continue work on this project after the vacation.

I also wanted to welcome our new students, Potato. The kids made him feel right at home.

Wednesday, February 15, 2023


A productive writing day saw many of the students turn their attention to their concluding paragraphs. We were focused on leaving the reader with a final thought. Some of the fifth graders were able to included wonderful quotes from influential writers or biologists to further their point of view.

Tomorrow, the kids are going to meet with their book buddies.


Math - some students need to finish workbook pages 313 and 314

Tuesday, February 14, 2023


The fifth graders learned who they were working with for their colonial region project. Using graphic organizers, the kids started gathering information concerning their region, using a short video and article. this work will be ongoing over the next three weeks.

We spent time later in the day celebrating Valentine's Day. Many of the kids brought in cards so we were able to exchange those. It was a nice way to conclude the day.

Monday, February 13, 2023


This final week before vacation will see the kids working with computer simulations of changing ecosystems during science class, working with groups on colonial region posters and continuing to work on their opinion writing during ELA time. 

There will be no homework written homework this week, but there will be math homework either tomorrow or Wednesday.

Thursday, February 9, 2023


The fifth graders continued to work on drafting of their opinion pieces during ELA time. Work also continued on our biosphere designs during science class. Both of these items are progressing well.  


Reading - The Year-Round School Debate, due on Friday 2/10

Wednesday, February 8, 2023


The kids continued to work with growth stories during math class. They organized heights into data tables then plotted the data on graphs. Quality work across the board.


Reading - The Year-Round School Debate, due on Friday 2/10

Tuesday, February 7, 2023


A fair amount of work was accomplished during our writing time this morning. Each of the fifth graders has crafted a lead paragraph for their opinion pieces. Today's time was spent writing our first body paragraphs, with special attention given to including quality factual evidence. We will return to this important work on Thursday.

We also began an incredibly interesting activity during our science time. After finishing our food web posters last week the kids turned their attention to designing a biosphere for a potential research mission. This will be an ongoing project over the next two weeks. The kids were heavily invested in this today.


Reading - The Year-Round School Debate, due on Friday 2/10

Monday, February 6, 2023


This week will see the kids digging into the draft of their opinion piece. We had a quality lesson on Friday and another one this morning. Many of the fifth graders were able to complete their lead paragraphs today.

Later in the day, we also traveled to the southern colonies and learned about the region. 


Reading - The Year-Round School Debate, due on Friday 2/10

Friday, February 3, 2023


Compliments to the fifth graders who all brought in their homework today. We spent some time sharing out answers and wrapping up that work.

We also continued to work with data tables and graphs during math class. Each of the fifth graders selected an American city and plotted the temperature over the course of a year. This work will continue next week.

Have a nice weekend.

Thursday, February 2, 2023


We kicked off unit five during math class. This unit will see the kids exploring tables and graphs and parsing the information contained in each to help them solve problems. A nice start to the work this morning. Next week, the kids will have a piece of math homework.

Fifth graders in room A303 were also able to work with their book buddies to create Valentine's Day cards which are going to be delivered to a local senior center. My compliments to the kids for the creativity. These turned out great.


Complete "Nature's Little Helpers". Due Friday February 3

Wednesday, February 1, 2023


The new month saw the kids take their unit four assessment. Although this unit focused on reviewing concepts from earlier in the year, the rigor was increased a great deal. I was impressed throughout the last few weeks with the effort on display in room A303. I am sure the results of this assessment will be strong ones. We are launching the next important unit tomorrow.


Complete "Nature's Little Helpers". Due Friday February 3

Tuesday, January 31, 2023


Hard to believe that the month of January concluded today. We wrapped it up with an interesting writing lesson that saw the kids learning about a group of elephants from the small Africans country of Eswatini. After reading about these creatures, the kids then practiced taking notes pertaining to the main idea of the piece. 

During math class, we worked on a final batch of workbook pages from unit 4. Tomorrow, the kids are going to take the unit four math test.


Complete "Nature's Little Helpers". Due Friday February 3

Monday, January 30, 2023


We are going to spend time this week having the kids read deeper into their non-fiction books while looking for main ideas and context clues for certain sections. The kids are also going to work on the final two tasks for their opinion writing unit. By Friday, we are going to start gathering information for our opinion pieces.


Complete "Nature's Little Helpers". Due Friday February 3

Friday, January 27, 2023


We spent time this morning looking at the Ring of Fire homework. Kids were able to share their answers and smaller groups discussed two questions in particular. Productive block of time.

During science class, the fifth graders continued to work on their food web ecosystem posters. These are shaping up nicely. We will look to put the finishing touches on these next week.

Have a nice weekend.

Thursday, January 26, 2023


The kids continued their work with data tables during math class. Today's lesson, which was part two of a three part series, will see the kids continue to use different operations to solve problems. These answers will let be used to solve additional problems. Exciting lessons and quality work in the fifth grade. 


Reading - read Ring of Fire packet and respond to questions. Due in class on Friday 1/27

Wednesday, January 25, 2023


We once again visited our non-fiction books during ELA time. Prior to that, the kids looked at two speeches and explored the main idea of each. One was the famous "Luckiest Man" speech by Hall of Fame baseball player Lou Gehrig. The other was a more recent speech given by Malala Yousafsai. Nice participation throughout this session.


Reading - read Ring of Fire packet and respond to questions. Due in class on Friday 1/27

Tuesday, January 24, 2023


We are into the final section of unit 4 in math. This unit will see the fifth graders working on multi step word problems. Today was an important day to lay foundation for the rest of this week.  


Reading - read Ring of Fire packet and respond to questions. Due in class on Friday 1/27

Monday, January 23, 2023


The fifth graders began the week by taking an assessment in math class. This test concludes our division review. Starting tomorrow, we are going to move into multi-step word problems using data tables.

During ELA, the class worked on an example of comprehension homework together. This was valuable time and the kids seemed to grasp the time of responses that were needed to fully answer these questions.

Later this week, the fifth graders will look to complete the iReady testing.


Reading - 30 minutes of reading per night

The kids are going to get a comprehension packet tomorrow. This will be due in class on Thursday 1/26

Friday, January 20, 2023


The fifth graders didn't let the poor weather outside deter them from another solid day in the classroom. After spending some time working on the reading portion of their iReady exam, the kids explored the New England colonies during social studies time and we had one final division review day during math class.

I hope everyone has a nice weekend.

Thursday, January 19, 2023


Fifth graders worked through the reading portion of their winter iReady assessment this morning. Tomorrow, the kids will look to complete the math portion of the test. 

We are also going to continue the study of food webs during our science time tomorrow afternoon.

Wednesday, January 18, 2023


Another solid day of division work during our math time. The last two lessons have been challenging ones and I applaud the fifth graders for continuing to persevere through the agendas. Many of the students were willing to share their thinking, which was greatly appreciated.

Tomorrow and Friday, the kids are going to take the winter portion of their iReady exams. It would be helpful for all of the kids to have a solid independent reading book with them these days.

Tuesday, January 17, 2023


This week is going to be an eventful one for the fifth graders in ELA. They are going to start reading their chosen non-fiction text. Later this week, they will start collecting some information about their topic that they can share with their peers.

We are also going to undertake two more tasks relating to our opinion writing topic. Beginning next week, the kids are going to start building their argument using the various resources that they have been exposed to over the last two weeks.


Math - workbook page 241, due tomorrow 1/18

Friday, January 13, 2023


We wrapped up the week by diving into another zoo task during our writing time. The kids are beginning to weight the pros and cons of zoos and to help them collect evidence they watched a short video and used a graphic organizer to collect ideas.

During science class, groups worked to create a model of a forest ecosystem food web using animal cards. This lesson was a quality one and I was impressed with the teamwork.

Have a nice weekend.

Thursday, January 12, 2023


It was nice to return to a normal schedule this Thursday. We were able to accomplish much in math, where the kids worked on some division word problems. During ELA time we explored a number of non-fiction texts. By tomorrow, the hope is that all of the fifth graders will have selected a topic and a book to begin working with next week. Finally, the fifth graders did some reading with their second grade book buddies.


Reading - 30 minutes of reading per night. Logs due on Friday 1/13

Math - workbook page 228, due Friday 1/13

Wednesday, January 11, 2023


We had a quality writing lesson tying into our overall theme of opinion writing this morning. 

Tomorrow we are going to meet with our second grade book buddies again.


Reading - 30 minutes of reading per night. Logs due on Friday 1/13

Anyone who did not finish their Zoochosis article and organizer, must finish this tonight

Tuesday, January 10, 2023


This early release day saw the kids explore another aspect of the lives of animals that are being kept in zoos. They read an article and responded to some questions. Compliments to the kids for remaining invested in the subject matter throughout.

Tomorrow will also be an 1130 dismissal time.


Reading - 30 minutes of reading per night. Logs due on Friday 1/13

Monday, January 9, 2023


This week will see the kids continue to explore food chains and food webs during science time. We are also going to start learning about the 13 original English North American colonies.

As a reminder, tomorrow and Wednesday are early dismissal days. The kids are going to be dismissed at 12 o'clock to accommodate parent teacher conference time.


Reading - 30 minutes of reading per night. Logs due on Friday 1/13

Math - finish workbook pages 222 and 223 if not done in class

Friday, January 6, 2023


We took a short assessment during math class as we prepare to enter the second portion of unit four. The kids seem to be feeling confident about where they stand in the curriculum and I am sure that will be reflected in the results.

I hope everyone has a nice weekend. As a reminder, the kids are going to be dismissed early next Tuesday and Wednesday to accommodate the next two sessions of parent teacher conferences. 

Thursday, January 5, 2023


Our math lesson saw the fifth graders working to solve multiplication problems using the US standard algorithm. There were a few bumps in the road, but the kids persevered through and made some positive strides.

I look forward to meeting with parents and family members tonight from 6 to 8.


Math - complete workbook page 216, if not done in class. Due tomorrow 1/6.

Wednesday, January 4, 2023


The fifth graders took part in an ELA lesson that got their feet wet for our opinion writing unit. Using the argument of cats vs dogs, the kids worked in pairs to generate evidence to support their positions using an article. Nice early lesson.

Tuesday, January 3, 2023


The start of the new year is going to be an exciting one for the fifth graders. Over the next two weeks, we are going to be starting new units of study in math, reading, writing and science. Today we kicked off unit 4 in math class. This unit will see the kids refreshing their multiplication strategies that we explored earlier this year. 

Tomorrow we are going to launch or opinion writing unit. We are going to be exploring zoos and their relationships with the animals in their care. This is a unit that fifth graders tend to like a great deal.

There will be math homework later this week.