

Tuesday, October 31, 2023


The month of October ended with another book group session during ELA time and continuing to work with volume problems during math time. Later this week, the kids are going to respond to a prompt concerning their reading books.

As a reminder, the kids do not have school tomorrow, Wednesday November 1st.


Reading - read for 30 minutes each night and fill out reading log. Due in class on Friday November 3rd.

Monday, October 30, 2023


The fifth graders began a group activity in math class this morning that saw them working to determine the volume of our classroom. Using twelve rulers and packing tape, the kids created a cubic foot long cube that they then used to solve for volume. This activity went well.

We also spent more time working on our body paragraphs for our literary essays.


Reading - read for 30 minutes each night and fill out reading log. Due in class on Friday November 3rd.

Friday, October 27, 2023


We had a great time at the Museum of Science Planetarium this morning. The kids were well behaved and they enjoyed the program that they took part in.

I hope everyone has a nice weekend.

Thursday, October 26, 2023


The fifth graders continued to make steady progress with their realistic fiction books during ELA time. I have know read with each of the reading groups twice and I have enjoyed getting to listen to discussions of themes and character traits. We are going to return to our novels twice next week. 

Our field trip to the Planetarium at the Museum of Science is tomorrow.


Math - workbook pages 105 and 106 due Friday 10/27. Use graph paper provided in class to create pattern for question 3.

Wednesday, October 25, 2023


The focus of our ELA work this morning was getting a start on our body paragraphs for our literary essays. Fifth graders worked in pairs to identify key sections of the story to touch upon in their essays and then drafted. Productive session. 

Our field trip to the Planetarium at the Museum of Science is this Friday.


Math - workbook pages 105 and 106 due Friday 10/27. Use graph paper provided in class to create pattern for question 3.

Tuesday, October 24, 2023


We continued to explore volume during math class this morning. Along with that came some valuable division review. The kids continue to impress with their willingness to solve problems in a variety of ways. 

Our field trip to the Planetarium at the Museum of Science is this Friday.


Math - workbook pages 105 and 106 due Friday 10/27. Use graph paper provided in class to create pattern for question 3.

Monday, October 23, 2023


Each of the fifth graders completed their first draft of their opening paragraphs for their literary essays during ELA. Over the next two weeks we are going to continue drafting and move into our body paragraphs.

On Friday we are taking our first field trip to the Museum of Science.


Math - workbook pages 105 and 106 due Friday 10/27. Use graph paper provided in class to create pattern for question 3.

Friday, October 20, 2023


The fifth graders are very excited up next week's field trip to the Museum of Science. To their credit they also put their best effort into today's work. We had one final day of work with volume problems during math class. Each of the kids completed a few worksheets and then spent time creating 3D shapes using connecting cubes that they then determined their volume.

We also were hard at work on our lead paragraphs for our literary essays. Many of the students crafted a quality intro and we will turn our attention to our body paragraphs next week.

I hope everyone has a nice weekend.

Thursday, October 19, 2023


The fifth graders had the opportunity to share out some interesting details from the early stages of their reading group books during ELA time. This segued into the groups reading deeper into their novels. I have enjoyed getting to read with each of the groups. Next week, the kids will respond to a writing prompt about their books.

Permission slips for the field trip on Friday 10/27 should be returned as soon as possible.


Reading - read for 30 minutes each night and fill out reading log on a nightly basis. Due in class on 10/20

Wednesday, October 18, 2023


Math class saw the fifth graders finding the volume of various rectangular prisms using connecting cubes and graph paper. 

During ELA time, each of the kids selected a short story to begin crafting their literary essay.

Permission slips for the field trip on Friday 10/27 should be returned as soon as possible.


Reading - read for 30 minutes each night and fill out reading log on a nightly basis. Due in class on 10/20

Tuesday, October 17, 2023


The fifth graders once again worked with their book groups and read further into their realistic fiction novels. The kids are doing a great job tracking their thinking in their 3-step journals. I was also impressed with the discussions that were taking place concerning turning points in the early stages of their books.

After lunch, the fifth graders did some reading with their second grade book buddies. 

Permission slips for the field trip on Friday 10/27 should be returned as soon as possible.


Reading - read for 30 minutes each night and fill out reading log on a nightly basis. Due in class on 10/20

Monday, October 16, 2023


We are going to begin unit 2 in math class this week. This section will see the fifth graders working with volume problems and concepts. After the quality work done in our first unit, I can't wait to see how the kids do with our new chapter.

The fifth graders also finished their work with the short story Fly Away Home this morning. Later this week, they are going to select a short story to begin crafting their literary essays.


Reading - read for 30 minutes each night and fill out reading log on a nightly basis. Due in class on 10/20

Friday, October 13, 2023


The kids wrapped up unit one during math class this morning. They worked their way through the end of unit assessment. I look forward to looking at the results of these tests over the weekend.

I hope everyone has a nice weekend.

Thursday, October 12, 2023


We spent one final one preparing for our end of unit one exam during math class. The work the fifth graders have done concerning division, multiplication and order of operation problems has been top notch. The kids appear to be ready for the test tomorrow.

The fifth graders also continue to thoroughly enjoy Wonder, our class read aloud book. We continue to notice the changing perspectives of various characters and tomorrow the students will respond to a written prompt about our current section of the book.


Math - division worksheet, due on Friday 10/13

Tuesday, October 10, 2023


Division continued to be the name of the game in math class for the fifth graders. Using various strategies that we have been refining these last two weeks, the kids solved word problems and also spent some time reviewing order of operation problems this morning.

This afternoon, we also met with our second grade book buddies to do some reading. Once again, the fifth graders worked very well with their younger peers.


Math - division worksheet, due on Friday 10/13

Friday, October 6, 2023


The fifth graders are reaching the later stages of unit one in their math work. We had an exceptional work of division this week. Next week, the kids will look to take their unit one assessment.

During ELA time, the fifth graders met with their book groups and read the first two chapters of their realistic fiction books. 

Finally, we ended the school day by playing geography bingo during social studies.

I hope everyone has a nice weekend.

Wednesday, October 4, 2023


The kids explored the concepts of latitude and longitude during our social studies time. Using maps, they plotted the coordinates of states on a data table.

Our math time was spent focusing on writing division word problems that we then solved.

Tuesday, October 3, 2023


The fifth graders continued to work on division word problems during math time this morning. The last two days have been filled with quality work and share out of thinking. 

After having their pictures taken as part of the Thompson School picture day, the members of A303 learned who they will be working with as part of their book groups for realistic fiction texts.

Monday, October 2, 2023


We began the month of October by using multiple towers to help us solve division problems in math class. The kids are quickly realizing that using different multiplication strategies is going to help us solve division problems. Today was a productive class that we will look to continue into tomorrow's lesson.

Our ELA time was spent responding to a prompt concerning the various short stories that we have read to this point. The kids focused on a problem that the protagonist has faced in one story.

Tomorrow is picture day at the Thompson School.