

Tuesday, June 18, 2024


It was a pleasure to have the nineteen students that I did in my classroom this year. We had an excellent year together and I will miss them next year. Thank you to all of the parents and families for their support this year. I hope everyone has a restful and enjoyable summer break.

Monday, June 17, 2024


Congratulations to all of the fifth graders. The graduation ceremony this morning turned out well.

Tomorrow is our last day of school. The clap out for the fifth graders will begin at 11:15 and dismissal is at 11:30.

Friday, June 14, 2024


On Monday next week, we will celebrate the grade level with their graduation ceremony. I look forward to seeing families on Monday morning. I hope everyone has a nice weekend.

Thursday, June 13, 2024


We began the day with our final math class of the school year. We looked at a series of multi-step math word problems that served as a nice review of some of the concepts we have been working on in the last six months.

The afternoon was spent putting the finishing touches on our fantasy book groups posters. Nice teamwork from the groups.

Tomorrow we are taking our field trip to Launch.

Wednesday, June 12, 2024


Each of the fifth graders has officially published their informational piece of writing. Much time and effort went into these and the kids should feel proud of the work they produced. On Friday, they will receive a hard copy with a grade attached to take home.

Tomorrow, we are going to spend a significant amount of time focused on our fantasy book projects.

On Friday, the fifth grade classes are going to travel to Launch in Woburn for their final field trip of the school year.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024


We were able to dedicate some quality time to our fantasy book projects this morning. Later this week, we will also complete our final read aloud book of the year, The Thief of Always.

On Friday, the fifth grade classes are going to travel to Launch in Woburn for their final field trip of the school year.

Monday, June 10, 2024


We began our final full week together this Monday. The two important pieces of work that the fifth graders will be focused on are completing their informational writing conferences and working within their book groups to finish their fantasy book group posters.

On Friday, the fifth grade classes are going to travel to Launch in Woburn for their final field trip of the school year.

Friday, June 7, 2024


Thank you to the parent volunteers who helped make field day a success. I hope everyone has a nice weekend.

Wednesday, June 5, 2024


We continued to classify polygons during math class this morning. We also had time to review multiplying fractions.

ELA time was dedicated to fantasy book groups. Another two groups finished their novels today and were able to turn their attention to their poster project.

Friday is field day.

Tuesday, June 4, 2024


We had an enjoyable and informative field trip into Boston this morning. The fifth graders visited the Old South Meeting House and the Old State House. At the Meeting House, the students engaged in a mock debate around the events of the Tea Party. The kids did a great job playing the parts of either loyalists or patriots.

Tomorrow, we will return to our fantasy book groups.

Monday, June 3, 2024


To get us more fully in the Revolutionary War mindset, the kids cycled through a series of stations this morning during an early social studies class. Each of the stations was meant to highlight an important event in the Revolutionary War timeline. The kids did a nice job of working together and are excited for our field trip into Boston tomorrow morning.



Tomorrow, we will leave the school on buses around nine o'clock and will return to school at 1230. We are asking each fifth grader to bring