

Monday, June 5, 2017


The Declaration of Independence was the topic of discussion during social studies today. The students spent time reading the actual document and exploring the concept of inalienable rights.

During science class, the fifth graders learned about the pieces of the respiratory system. The students watched in informative video and then used their text to help them answer some focus questions.

As a reminder, the fifth grade will be traveling to the Ottoson Middle School on Friday to take a tour of the building. Members of last year's fifth grade class will lead tour groups through the school to visit with some of the sixth grade teachers.


Blog - Which event from the Revolutionary War timeline have you enjoyed learning about the most? Explain in detail why this event has stood out to you and what makes this event so important in the struggle for American Independence. (At least three paragraphs, due Friday 6/9)

Reading - 30 minutes of quiet reading per night

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