

Monday, January 26, 2015


Room 312 continued its work with Number the Stars. Students discussed what bravery is and I thought that the ensuing lesson went very well. We will continue to work with this book over the course of the next few weeks. I also want to compliment my class for their use of the 3 step journal. This graphic organizer allows students to focus in on important plot points and character traits for later class discussion.

Students began to look at the early English settlement in Plymouth, MA today in social studies. The class read aloud and use their notebooks to gather important information about this spot. During our next class period, students will begin to compare and contrast Plymouth with Jamestown.

Students in room 312 are eager to help parents and other family members shovel over the next two days.


Math - multiplying fractions worksheet

Reading - finish chapter 3 in Number the Stars. Compile 3 entries in 3-step journal.

-fill out readers blog on nightly basis

Writing - continue to work on chocolate milk opinion piece


Who did the Patriots play in their first appearance in the Super Bowl?

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