

Thursday, November 12, 2015


As we returned to the classroom today after celebrating Veterans Day, students began to compose their Christopher Columbus essay in social studies. Over the course of this week, the fifth graders have been presented with different perspectives of the Columbus discovery. The students have been tasked with using this evidence to give their own point of view of whether or not Columbus Day should be celebrated. I look forward to hearing students share their opinions with the class.

We are rapidly approaching the end of unit 1 in math class. Students continued their work with some division cluster problems today. Room 312 also retouched upon some challenging order of operation problems. I am confident that as we approach the unit 1 assessment, the fifth grade is well prepared.

Finally, we ended the day by continuing to make nice progress in the writing department. I once again enjoyed getting to conference with my writers and work with them as they strengthen their clean water opinion papers.


Reading - 30 minutes of quiet reading

Character Trait project - today students were given directions for a character trait project that is due on November 13th. The directions are fairly straightforward, but if there is any confusion or questions that I can help to answer, please don't hesitate to contact me.


Where did Christopher Columbus believe that he was when he made land on his famous voyage?

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