

Wednesday, November 4, 2015


Students dedicated much of their ELA time to their opinion writing piece. The fifth graders are putting the finishing touches on their first drafts and today, we looked at the proper way to insert quotes into ones writing. Students talked about the reasons why inserting an appropriate quote would be a positive and then worked with a few examples.

Earlier in the day, the fifth grade began their next social studies unit on European exploration of the North American continent. Students kicked off the lesson by talking about what their reaction would be if they were to encounter an alien. This lead into an informative talk about what tends to happen when two different cultures come into contact with one another.

Tomorrow, I will be out of the building for meetings. I look forward to seeing everyone on Friday as we wrap up the first week of November together.


Math - workbook page 57 and 58

Reading - 30 minutes of quiet reading, fill out reader's log on a nightly basis

Character Trait project - today students were given directions for a character trait project that is due on November 13th. The directions are fairly straightforward, but if there is any confusion or questions that I can help to answer, please don't hesitate to contact me.


What was the name of a Civil War battle that took place in Pennsylvania?

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