

Monday, November 7, 2016


This short week began with the members of M102 starting to work on a project in social studies. The students have been learning about the first peoples to cross over into the North American continent. One such person has come to be known as the Kennewick Man. The students are tasked with creating a sketch of what this man possibly looked like and listing tools that he may have carried with him to ensure his survival. The fifth graders will be working on this project throughout the course of the week.

Later in the day, the focus of our mini-writing lesson was on transition words. Students continue to be heavily invested in their opinion writing and are making steady progress to the ultimate goal of a typed final draft.

Lastly, the fifth graders took part in a mock election today to give them some sense of the significance of the national election which will take place tomorrow.

I look forward to seeing all students back in school on Wednesday.


Reading - 30 minutes of quiet reading

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