During our math work today, the fifth graders began to work on division problems. The fifth graders did a great job of working through our multiplication work and now we will be taking some of those practices and carrying them over.
We focused on author's craft during our reading lesson. The students were introduced to reader's notebooks journal entries and then students responded to a prompt that dealt with a read aloud book.
Math - worksheet due Friday 9/27
Reading Log - 30 minutes of quiet reading per night, log due on Friday 9/27
Fifth graders also have a number of forms to fill out and return related to science camp. These are part of a larger packet that contain valuable information about the upcoming trip. We are also in need of chaperones who would be willing to stay overnight in Rhode Island. Please let me know if you would be able to help in that regard as soon as possible.
These documents should all be returned by Friday September 27th