

Friday, October 30, 2015


Room 312 wrapped up the month of October by continuing our character based discussion work in ELA. We recently read the book, The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind. Students were tasked with identifying certain characteristics that the main character displayed. And more importantly, backing up their contentions with evidence from the text. I enjoyed hearing students express their opinions and back them up convincingly.

We also were lucky to once again meet with our book buddies in Ms. Dichter's class. Students have been having a great time working with their younger counterparts.

Finally, I wanted to thank all of the parent volunteers who donated their time to make our fall science activity a success today. The kids had a great time and were highly entertained and engaged.

I hope everyone has a nice weekend and enjoys the holiday.

Thursday, October 29, 2015


Students continued to work on their opinion writing assignment. Today, we looked at examples of essays that met and exceeded expectations. Students were tasked with identifying what made those essays work so well. They were then asked to start to connect the information that they have been compiling the last few days to personal experiences or texts that we have read together in class.

Room 312 has also officially completed their unit on Native Americans. Next week we will turn our focus to early European exploration.

Students also received back their mid-unit math assessment. The results were extremely positive. Please ask your students how they did on their assessment.


Math - workbook page 49 and 50 (pages 51 and 52 are an extra challenge - assignment is due Friday, October 30th

Reading - 30 minutes of quiet reading

Writing - explore Google classroom site


What is the largest body of water in the continental United States?

Wednesday, October 28, 2015


I wanted to begin todays post by paying a compliment to my class. The mid-unit assessments went very well. I was so pleased to see the results the students produced. I am not surprised to see these good scores, it is a compliment to the hard work the students have put into their studies to this point.

We ended yesterdays class by discussing a working definition and some vocabulary terms pertaining to division. Today we officially kicked off our work with division. Students were tasked with solving a problem with pictures and a story context. Tonights homework will be a continuation of the work began in class.

Later during our reading block, the fifth grade started to read The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind. This final anchor text in our clean water unit will serve to better inform students in their opinion writing work that will be ongoing throughout the next few weeks.

Finally students are wrapping up their work with native american regions during social studies. Students have been creating some visually impressive slide presentations on their iPads. I would ask families at home to engage their children and ask them what they have learned while researching their tribes.


Math - workbook page 48 - assignment is due Friday, October 30th

Reading - 30 minutes of quiet reading

Writing - explore Google classroom site


How many people survived the sinking of the Titanic?

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Google Classroom

I wanted to call parents' attention to the fact that we will start using Google classroom. Here is a link for students and parents to access articles and assignments that are periodically posted on this site. Currently, there are some links to sites that students will use as they write their clean water opinion paper.


Today, students took their mid-unit assessment during math class. The work that the students have done throughout the course of the first two months has been top notch. I am eager to sit with these assessments because I am confident that the results will be top notch.

We continued our work with opinion writing today. Students used graphic organizers to help them identify strong supporting reasons to back up their these statements. The opinion piece focused in on identifying causes of the clean water problem that exists on planet Earth. This work will be ongoing over the next few weeks.

Homework - assignment is due Friday, October 30th

Reading - 30 minutes of quiet reading

Writing - explore Google classroom site

Science - practice MCAS question is due Wednesday


What actor provided the voice for Buzz Lightyear in the Toy Story movies?

Monday, October 26, 2015


It was a busy Monday back at school for room 312. Students are approaching the finish line in our Native American unit. They continue to be hard at work on their tribal informational report. I have noticed the enthusiasm with which students are approaching their work and I can not wait to see the finished products.

During math today, we spent some time reviewing order of operation problems and multiplication problems. Tomorrow, the fifth graders will take their mid-unit assessment. I am quite confident that students will rise to the occasion.

Finally, during our ELA time, we spent time discussion main ideas. This lesson was centered around our latest read aloud book: One Well. Students worked together to generate some of the important themes of this interesting story.


Math - mid unit assessment tomorrow - assignment is due Friday, October 30th

Reading - 30 minutes of quiet reading

Writing - read national geographic article and highlight important details

Science - practice MCAS question is due Wednesday


Which actor provides the voice of Woody in the Toy Story movies?

Friday, October 23, 2015


Students in room 312 completed anther productive week today. The first week back from science camp can sometimes be a challenge for students, as everyone settles back into a routine. I give my students credit for getting right back up to speed.

This was a busy week for us and the children rose to the occasion. The fifth graders continue to publish their editorial letters and we continued to dig deeper into our next clean water picture book. Students are getting a deeper understanding of the importance of water conservation.

We also continue to make nice strides during our math blocks. Next week, students will be given their mid unit assessment and I am quite confident that the results will be reflective of the strong work done to this point in the school year.

Next week, the students will have their first assignment on Students were given their log-in information today and should try accessing the site this weekend. The assignment is due next Friday, October 30th.

I hope everyone has a nice weekend with their families and I will see everyone back at school on Monday.


Kidblog prompt - In a two paragraph essay, students should summarize recent events in Wonder then write about a connection that they have made with the text. The first paragraph should be a summary and the second you center around making a connection with the text. The four connections that we have been discussing in class are: text to text, text to media, text to world and text to self.

Both paragraphs should be 6 to 8 sentences. This is due on the site by Friday the 23rd

Thursday, October 22, 2015


Members of room 312 continue to be hard at work in the publishing stage of their opinion letters. Students have worked nicely to craft convincing, meaningful arguments to bolster their point of view. I have enjoyed getting to conference with my writers and see them continue to make positive strides.

During our social studies lesson today, the fifth graders are working on their Native American project. Using multiple sources and their iPads, students are compiling research about a particular tribe and the cultural region that the tribe existed in. I expect great things from the finished products.


Math - workbook page 41

Reading - 30 minutes of quiet reading

Kidblog prompt - In a two paragraph essay, students should summarize recent events in Wonder then write about a connection that they have made with the text. The first paragraph should be a summary and the second you center around making a connection with the text. The four connections that we have been discussing in class are: text to text, text to media, text to world and text to self.

Both paragraphs should be 6 to 8 sentences. This is due on the site by Friday the 23rd


Which NBA team has won the most championships?

Wednesday, October 21, 2015


Students began their mock letter today to try to convince their classmates that cleaning polluted rivers is a worthwhile endeavor. I have enjoyed getting to hear my students debate this issue and come up with some pretty compelling arguments to bolster this point of view. The goal is to complete this writing assignment by the end of the week.

In math class, we continued our work with multiplication cluster problems. Students have been hard at work devising different strategies to solve multiplication problems.


Math -workbook page 39

Reading - 30 minutes of quiet reading

Kidblog prompt - In a two paragraph essay, students should summarize recent events in Wonder then write about a connection that they have made with the text. The first paragraph should be a summary and the second you center around making a connection with the text. The four connections that we have been discussing in class are: text to text, text to media, text to world and text to self.

Both paragraphs should be 6 to 8 sentences. This is due on the site by Friday the 23rd


Which college have the most presidents of the United States attended?

Tuesday, October 20, 2015


On this early release today, we continued to come up with some more tape diagrams in math class. This continuation of yesterday's work lead into some challenging multiplication cluster problems.

During our ELA time, we continued to construct an opinion letter which speaks to the importance of ending river pollution. Over the course of the last two days, I have been so impressed with the level of discourse and effort put forth by my class. This work will continue the rest of this upcoming week. I would encourage all parents and guardians to ask their students what they have been writing about this week.


Math - workbook pages 37. 38 is extra practice that is optional.

Reading - 30 minutes of quiet reading

Kidblog prompt - In a two paragraph essay, students should summarize recent events in Wonder then write about a connection that they have made with the text. The first paragraph should be a summary and the second you center around making a connection with the text. The four connections that we have been discussing in class are: text to text, text to media, text to world and text to self.

Both paragraphs should be 6 to 8 sentences. This is due on the site by Friday the 23rd


What state had the most United States presidents born in it?

Monday, October 19, 2015


It was great to finally have everyone back at school today. The fifth grade had an incredible time at science camp and I have enjoyed getting to talk with my students about their experiences. Room 312 returned to the classroom today ready to work.

In math class, the fifth graders began using tape diagrams to help them better understand numerical expressions. Students represented problems in word form, numerically and using these diagrams. I love to hear my students expanding their math vocabulary and being willing to ask questions when something isn't quite clear to them yet. We are fast approaching our mid-unit assessment and I am confident that the strong work will continue throughout this week.

Later, during our ELA block, the fifth graders began to craft an opinion letter that had to do with the serious issue of clean water. Students are writing about whether or not they believe this is a pressing issue facing the world today, and if so, what can be done about addressing this problem. I look forward to working with my students over the next few days on this assignment.


Math - Engage New York worksheet

Reading - 30 minutes of quiet reading

Kidblog prompt - In a two paragraph essay, students should summarize recent events in Wonder then write about a connection that they have made with the text. The first paragraph should be a summary and the second you center around making a connection with the text. The four connections that we have been discussing in class are: text to text, text to media, text to world and text to self.

Both paragraphs should be 6 to 8 sentences. This is due on the site by Friday the 23rd


Which presidents were born in Massachusetts?

Friday, October 9, 2015


Throughout this week you could feel the anticipation building for the upcoming trip to science camp. I give my students credit for remaining focused on their lessons during this exciting week.

The fifth grade once again had the opportunity to work with their counterparts in the fourth grade. Students worked across grade levels to solve word problems that tied in to the trip to science camp. This lesson ended with an exit ticket which allowed teachers an opportunity to ensure that students were accessing the material.

Finally, during our ELA block, room 312 put the finishing touches on their River Ran Wild timeline of events. This event brings us closer to the end of our time with this interesting book. When we return from camp, the students will put on their writer's hats and create an opinion letter concerning this important current event issue.

I hope everyone enjoys the long weekend and I would ask everyone to keep the Dallas Cowboys in their thoughts as they prepare to get demolished by the New England Patriots this weekend.

Thursday, October 8, 2015


Work continued on order of operation problems. Students continue to rise to the occasion when presented with increasingly challenging equations. This material will lead into a final activity when we return from science camp.

The fifth grade watched an informative video concerning the scarcity of clean drinking water in Indonesia. This lead to some worthwhile discussion and then segued into our timeline work.


Math - students will select 4 problems from the order of operation worksheet done in class, and complete them step by step on the blank piece of paper given to them

Reading - 30 minutes of quiet reading. Complete reader's log on nightly basis. (Due tomorrow)


What is the highest elevation in the continental United States?

Science Camp Reminders

A few last minute reminders for families:

Few Camp Reminders for 5th Graders

1.    You may bring a snack to eat on the bus ride down.
2.    Any unfinished snack from the bus will be thrown away before leaving the bus because there is NO FOOD ALLOWED IN CABINS!
3.    Do not pack food. You will eat plenty at camp.
4.    No electronics are needed at camp. This includes the bus ride down!
5.    The exception to this is that there (hopefully) is a working DVD player on the bus. If you have a school appropriate movie (not Blu-ray) to bring on the bus, talk to your teacher about it.
6.    If you tend to get carsick, think about choosing a smart seat on the bus near the adult (who will have bags at the ready!)
7.    Once we are on the bus, and have crossed into Rhode Island you will find out who is in your cabin.
8.    When packing, refer to the packing list and the weather for the week.
9.    Remember that you should only pack as much as you can carry.
10. Don’t forget to pack your common sense, a good attitude, your curiosity about the natural world, and many pairs of warm, dry socks.

A Few Camp Reminders for Parents

1.   Students should arrive to school with all of their belongings on Tuesday at 8:10.
2.   All medications and/or Epi-pens should be handed to Ms. Armstrong on Tuesday morning. Please label everything!
3.  I will check in with the office each day and have Vicki or Karen update the parents.
4.  There is one main address for the camp any letters will be given out to the students via field group teachers/ director. Feel free to send a letter. Address: 9 Wheatley Road, West Greenwich, RI 02817.
5.  Students should be back to school on Friday at 2:00- 2:15. Please note-This arrival time depends on traffic. We all have to be a bit flexible that day.
6.  At pick up on Friday all students need to check out with their homeroom teacher before they leave. 

Wednesday, October 7, 2015


The large part of math today was spent working with orders operation problems. Throughout the lesson, students were presented with increasingly difficult problems and I felt that they rose to the challenge. I enjoyed getting to hear students verbalize their thought processes. This will lead into another small group activity later this week.

During our ELA block, the fifth grade continued to investigate the first story in our clean water unit. Students continued to respond to "close reading" questions and began to put together a timeline of events from the story. On Friday, we will begin out first significant writing assignment of this unit.

Finally, room 312 continued to explore the various geographic regions of early Native American society. Students have been tasked with discovering the names of specific tribes as well as tools and artifacts that each region was known for.


Math - workbook page 35C (1-8) numbers 9 and 10 are challenges

Reading - 30 minutes of quiet reading. Complete reader's log on nightly basis


What is the largest lake in America?

Tuesday, October 6, 2015


Fifth graders turned a critical eye towards A River Ran Wild. We have been discussing questions that readers ask themselves as they are reading a book. Using these questions as a guide, room 312 began to dig into this story. I look forward to continuing this work throughout the course of this week.

Earlier in the day, students worked in small groups to play a challenging factor game. The level of engagement and enthusiasm during math continues to be one of the high points of the school day.


Math - workbook page 33

Reading - 30 minutes of quiet reading. Complete reader's log on nightly basis


Can you name two tribes of Native Americans that called Massachusetts home?

Monday, October 5, 2015


The fifth grade began to narrow their focus on specific Native American cultural regions. Students are going to start learning about the day-to-day life of indians in different parts of the continental United States. This will lead into a final project that will allow me to ascertain what students have learned over the course of the first few weeks of school in social studies.

Students continued their work representing multiplication problems using pictures, words and different methods. I am proud of my students for stepping out of their comfort zones and making attempts to solve these problems using methods that they may be initially uncertain of. We continue to make great progress during our math lessons.

Finally, room 312 began to discuss the book A River Ran Wild by Lynne Cherry. This book looks at the changing conditions of the Nashua River and ties in nicely with our overall theme of clean water. This week will be spend discussing and writing about the book, leading to a writing component on Friday.


Math - workbook page 28 and finish page 27 if not done in class

Reading - 30 minutes of quiet reading. Complete reader's log on nightly basis


What is the largest river in New England?

Friday, October 2, 2015


Students continued their work with using various multiplication strategies to help them solve some problems. The fifth graders have also been using stories and visual models to help them better understand the work that they are undertaking.

During our ELA block, students attempted to make a connection between the class read-aloud book "Wonder" and their own backgrounds. Fifth graders looked to connect the book with others they have read, their own personal life or various forms of media. This was a very productive exercise.

I hope everyone has a great weekend and I will see everyone back at school on Monday.

I have a few students who did not complete their kidblog assignment. Students should complete that his weekend and turn in on Monday. If unable to type online, please write on a piece of paper.


 Kidsblog - (6-8 sentences, due 10/2) Make a prediction about Wonder. What do you think will happen to Auggie at his new school? Do you think that he will have a positive experience or a negative experience? Why do you believe this? Make sure to back up your point of view with evidence from the book

Thursday, October 1, 2015


As we began the month of October, I unfortunately will be out of the classroom today attending meetings at the Dallin and the Pierce Schools. I am confident that students will continue their strong start to the school year in my absence and I look forward to seeing everyone back at school tomorrow.

As a reminder, tomorrow is picture day.


Math - workbook pages 25 and 26 (due Friday)

Reading - 30 minutes of quiet reading. There will be no written reader's log this week

 Kidsblog - (6-8 sentences, due 10/2) Make a prediction about Wonder. What do you think will happen to Auggie at his new school? Do you think that he will have a positive experience or a negative experience? Why do you believe this? Make sure to back up your point of view with evidence from the book


What other countries border the United States?