

Friday, October 23, 2015


Students in room 312 completed anther productive week today. The first week back from science camp can sometimes be a challenge for students, as everyone settles back into a routine. I give my students credit for getting right back up to speed.

This was a busy week for us and the children rose to the occasion. The fifth graders continue to publish their editorial letters and we continued to dig deeper into our next clean water picture book. Students are getting a deeper understanding of the importance of water conservation.

We also continue to make nice strides during our math blocks. Next week, students will be given their mid unit assessment and I am quite confident that the results will be reflective of the strong work done to this point in the school year.

Next week, the students will have their first assignment on Students were given their log-in information today and should try accessing the site this weekend. The assignment is due next Friday, October 30th.

I hope everyone has a nice weekend with their families and I will see everyone back at school on Monday.


Kidblog prompt - In a two paragraph essay, students should summarize recent events in Wonder then write about a connection that they have made with the text. The first paragraph should be a summary and the second you center around making a connection with the text. The four connections that we have been discussing in class are: text to text, text to media, text to world and text to self.

Both paragraphs should be 6 to 8 sentences. This is due on the site by Friday the 23rd

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