

Wednesday, October 21, 2015


Students began their mock letter today to try to convince their classmates that cleaning polluted rivers is a worthwhile endeavor. I have enjoyed getting to hear my students debate this issue and come up with some pretty compelling arguments to bolster this point of view. The goal is to complete this writing assignment by the end of the week.

In math class, we continued our work with multiplication cluster problems. Students have been hard at work devising different strategies to solve multiplication problems.


Math -workbook page 39

Reading - 30 minutes of quiet reading

Kidblog prompt - In a two paragraph essay, students should summarize recent events in Wonder then write about a connection that they have made with the text. The first paragraph should be a summary and the second you center around making a connection with the text. The four connections that we have been discussing in class are: text to text, text to media, text to world and text to self.

Both paragraphs should be 6 to 8 sentences. This is due on the site by Friday the 23rd


Which college have the most presidents of the United States attended?

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