

Monday, October 19, 2015


It was great to finally have everyone back at school today. The fifth grade had an incredible time at science camp and I have enjoyed getting to talk with my students about their experiences. Room 312 returned to the classroom today ready to work.

In math class, the fifth graders began using tape diagrams to help them better understand numerical expressions. Students represented problems in word form, numerically and using these diagrams. I love to hear my students expanding their math vocabulary and being willing to ask questions when something isn't quite clear to them yet. We are fast approaching our mid-unit assessment and I am confident that the strong work will continue throughout this week.

Later, during our ELA block, the fifth graders began to craft an opinion letter that had to do with the serious issue of clean water. Students are writing about whether or not they believe this is a pressing issue facing the world today, and if so, what can be done about addressing this problem. I look forward to working with my students over the next few days on this assignment.


Math - Engage New York worksheet

Reading - 30 minutes of quiet reading

Kidblog prompt - In a two paragraph essay, students should summarize recent events in Wonder then write about a connection that they have made with the text. The first paragraph should be a summary and the second you center around making a connection with the text. The four connections that we have been discussing in class are: text to text, text to media, text to world and text to self.

Both paragraphs should be 6 to 8 sentences. This is due on the site by Friday the 23rd


Which presidents were born in Massachusetts?

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