

Monday, December 14, 2015


As we began our last full school week of 2015 together, the fifth graders continued their work with fractions during math class. Today, the students had the option of playing one of three different fractions games that they have learned over the course of the last two weeks. I have noticed that students are getting more comfortable with their language and their ability to decompose fractions. Today was another beneficial session for the class.

Later in the day, the students began constructing the outline of a literary essay. This essay will eventually be published and I am eager to see students take what they learned from the first attempt at literary writing and carry that over into this material.

I look forward to meeting with parents and guardians tomorrow afternoon for the final parent teacher conference session.


Math - workbook page 61

Tenmarks - Finding equivalent fractions assignment on This assignment is due Friday, December 18. If possible, I would ask students to print out their certificates when completed.

Reading - 30 minutes of quiet reading.


What state was Abraham Lincoln born in?

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