Today, students worked in small groups during our ELA block. Students worked together to reread chapter one of Bud Not Buddy. While they read, students used strategies to help them better access complex text. The fifth graders were responsible for writing about some of the character traits that Bud has exhibited to this point in the story. The students have done a nice job with the novel to this point and I get the impression that this will continue as we move deeper into this story.
Later in the day, the fifth graders were presented with another literary essay. Room 312 read Eleven by Sandra Cisneros. This short story gave the students another opportunity to identify the author's message or intent in writing the story.
I also wanted to ask all parents and guardians to please donate boxes of tissues to room 312. It is only December, yet we are already running out of our supply. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Math - workbook page 53
Kidblog - What do you believe the author's purpose was in writing Wonder. In a two paragraph essay, talk about what you believe to be the big idea or message of the book. Use evidence from the text to support your point of view. This essay is due Friday December 11th.
Reading - 30 minutes of quiet reading
What four presidents have their likenesses carved into Mount Rushmore?
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