This is going to be a busy week for the fifth graders. Today, the kids worked on their final reading iReady testing session. We will look to have all of the kids complete with this by tomorrow.
We were also able to have more fifth graders publish their final draft of their informational writing piece. There are just a few conferences left and then all of the kids will get to take home a published draft.
On Wednesday of this week, the entire school is going to take part in Field Day. The first half of that day will see the fifth graders assisting the younger grades and the second portion of the day will see the older grades taking part in team games.
Finally, on Friday all four fifth grade classes are going to be traveling to Plymouth to visit Plimoth Patuxet. The fifth graders are eager for their first official field trip in quite some time.
Please make sure that the kids all have their Chromebooks each day and that they are fully charged these last three weeks of the year.