
Tuesday, September 30, 2014
In math today, students helped to complete a 12 by 12 multiplication table. This was a good chance to review and talk about any patterns or strategies to help students solve these problems. We also began work on an order of operation poster which will serve as a reminder of PEMDAS.
In social studies, students dug deeper into latitude and longitude. We are about to begin out next unit on the first peoples to arrive in North America.
Tomorrow we begin our work with the novel Bud Not Buddy. I enjoyed reading this book and think that my class will as well.
I look forward to meeting any parents or family members who attend curriculum night this evening.
Math - second sheet in math packet, students should practice multiplication facts for 15 - 20 minutes a day and record on sheet
Reading - 30 minutes of independent reading. Blog prompt for Friday: Would you recommend the book that you are reading to another reader? Why or why not? Must be 8 - 10 sentences
Grammar - assessment tomorrow about sentence types. Students were given a study guide today to look over.
Trivia: How tall was Abraham Lincoln?
Monday, September 29, 2014
Food drive information
Dear Thompson Families,
You are invited to participate in the Arlington EATS fall food drive! Now that school has begun
Arlington EATS is focused on ensuring all Thompson kids have enough healthy food during the
school day and over the weekend.
From September 29 through October 10, Arlington EATS will be collecting the following
food items:
○ Kindergarten - oatmeal and/or boxed cereal
○ 1st grade - rice and/or beans
○ 2nd grade - ultra-pasteurized (shelf-stable) milk and/or granola bars
○ 3rd grade - canned fruit and/or vegetables
○ 4th grade - mac & cheese and/or canned pasta
○ 5th grade - peanut butter/sunbutter and/or jelly
■ We always need healthy and easy-to-eat snacks (eg: bananas, clementines, cheese-sticks,
Gogurts, baby carrots) to distribute for snacks, so these items are welcome as well.
Your child should bring the items to his/her classroom and place them in the Arlington EATS box.
Each day we will tally the number of items contributed per classroom.
The class with the highest participation will receive extra recess during the week of
October 14!!
Thank you again for the support! Please remember to visit our website to make a donation or see
other volunteer opportunites: and like us on Facebook:
REMINDER: If you believe your child could benefit from the free weekend food program but you
have not turned in the consent form, please contact Vicki Rose (main office) or Nicole Melnik (Room
108) at Thompson.
You are invited to participate in the Arlington EATS fall food drive! Now that school has begun
Arlington EATS is focused on ensuring all Thompson kids have enough healthy food during the
school day and over the weekend.
From September 29 through October 10, Arlington EATS will be collecting the following
food items:
○ Kindergarten - oatmeal and/or boxed cereal
○ 1st grade - rice and/or beans
○ 2nd grade - ultra-pasteurized (shelf-stable) milk and/or granola bars
○ 3rd grade - canned fruit and/or vegetables
○ 4th grade - mac & cheese and/or canned pasta
○ 5th grade - peanut butter/sunbutter and/or jelly
■ We always need healthy and easy-to-eat snacks (eg: bananas, clementines, cheese-sticks,
Gogurts, baby carrots) to distribute for snacks, so these items are welcome as well.
Your child should bring the items to his/her classroom and place them in the Arlington EATS box.
Each day we will tally the number of items contributed per classroom.
The class with the highest participation will receive extra recess during the week of
October 14!!
Thank you again for the support! Please remember to visit our website to make a donation or see
other volunteer opportunites: and like us on Facebook:
REMINDER: If you believe your child could benefit from the free weekend food program but you
have not turned in the consent form, please contact Vicki Rose (main office) or Nicole Melnik (Room
108) at Thompson.
Friday, September 26, 2014
It was nice to see everyone dressed up for picture day. Room 312 used the day off to charge their batteries and they came to school ready to work today.
We continued our work with order of operation problems in math. The students have been presented with a variety of challenging work over the course of this week and they have risen to the challenge. I have been impressed with the effort on display. I have also been equally impressed with students' willingness to ask questions when there is confusion.
We wrapped up our first mini lesson in social studies by looking at actual mineral deposits taken from the ground at Sutter's Mill and watching a brief documentary about the gold rush.
Students continue to be hard at work in writing class, developing their narrative story ideas. There are steps left to climb before we publish finished copies, but I believe room 312 is up for the challenge.
One other item I wanted to mention was in regards to homework assignments not being completed. I have made the class aware that for every assignment not turned in on time, students will lose a portion of their recess time and this will also be reflected in my grade book. If there is a week that occurs where a student is missing multiple assignments, I will write a brief letter home to alert parents about the situation. I don't believe in giving out large amounts of homework, but I believe it serves a purpose. The assignments that are given serve to reinforce lessons from class and keep concepts fresh in the mind. I would greatly appreciate patents and guardians help in making sure homework gets completed.
I hope everyone has a great weekend and is able to get outside and enjoy the nice weather. I will see everone next week.
We continued our work with order of operation problems in math. The students have been presented with a variety of challenging work over the course of this week and they have risen to the challenge. I have been impressed with the effort on display. I have also been equally impressed with students' willingness to ask questions when there is confusion.
We wrapped up our first mini lesson in social studies by looking at actual mineral deposits taken from the ground at Sutter's Mill and watching a brief documentary about the gold rush.
Students continue to be hard at work in writing class, developing their narrative story ideas. There are steps left to climb before we publish finished copies, but I believe room 312 is up for the challenge.
One other item I wanted to mention was in regards to homework assignments not being completed. I have made the class aware that for every assignment not turned in on time, students will lose a portion of their recess time and this will also be reflected in my grade book. If there is a week that occurs where a student is missing multiple assignments, I will write a brief letter home to alert parents about the situation. I don't believe in giving out large amounts of homework, but I believe it serves a purpose. The assignments that are given serve to reinforce lessons from class and keep concepts fresh in the mind. I would greatly appreciate patents and guardians help in making sure homework gets completed.
I hope everyone has a great weekend and is able to get outside and enjoy the nice weather. I will see everone next week.
Wednesday, September 24, 2014
Room 312 completed their first mini project of the year in social studies today. I was impressed both by the creativity and the work ethic of my class during the last two weeks. These projects looked to have turned out very well and I believe they bode well for future work in this class.
Students continued to grow their personal narrative story in writing today. From talking with my students, I know that everyone comes from a diverse and interesting background. These backgrounds have served to produce some very compelling story ideas. We will continue to work on this unit in the coming weeks and I know that the finished products will be ones that the students will be proud of.
Room 312 has also partnered up with Ms. Dichter's second grade class for book buddies this school year. Periodically, we will read with our buddies and do activities to foster the feeling of school community. I am sure that the students of room 312 will serve as excellent role models for their young friends.
Math - next page in math packet
Reading - 30 minutes of quiet reading. Blog post is due on kidblog by Friday. I would also continue to encourage all students to fill out a book talk sheet when they complete a book to get awarded a mark on our class reading log tally chart.
A tough one tonight: Which U.S. president was the first to be awarded a Nobel Peace Prize?
I look forward to hearing answers on Friday. I hope everyone enjoys their Thursday off from school.
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
The first day of fall was a busy day in room 312. Even though it was an early dismissal day, the class was still giving it their all. The students were active participants in our math lesson concerning multiplying by 10s. The class also did great work we when focused in on a challenging group math problem the last two days.
We read as a class the picture book, Salt in His Shoes. This book will help to guide our reading and to introduce important concepts when students are reading literary works this year.
Math - second sheet in math packet. Front and back.
Reading - blog post due by Friday
Writing - continue to work on first draft idea, be prepared to discuss this idea tomorrow with writing partner.
Trivia: what year did the Red Sox win their first World Series?
We read as a class the picture book, Salt in His Shoes. This book will help to guide our reading and to introduce important concepts when students are reading literary works this year.
Math - second sheet in math packet. Front and back.
Reading - blog post due by Friday
Writing - continue to work on first draft idea, be prepared to discuss this idea tomorrow with writing partner.
Trivia: what year did the Red Sox win their first World Series?
Monday, September 22, 2014
Only a quick post today. Reminder to everyone that tomorrow is an early dismissal day at one.
Math - complete first page of math packet, front and back
Reading - 30 minutes of quiet reading. By Friday please answer this question in an 8-10 sentence response on kidblog. Why do you think the author chose the title? Explain your answer.
Social Studies - Gold Rush mini project is due tomorrow. Students will have an opportunity to complete this during flex bloc, but I would encourage students to do additional research at home to better prepare for the finish tomorrow.
Trivia: Which 2 states gave land to create Washington D.C.?
Math - complete first page of math packet, front and back
Reading - 30 minutes of quiet reading. By Friday please answer this question in an 8-10 sentence response on kidblog. Why do you think the author chose the title? Explain your answer.
Social Studies - Gold Rush mini project is due tomorrow. Students will have an opportunity to complete this during flex bloc, but I would encourage students to do additional research at home to better prepare for the finish tomorrow.
Trivia: Which 2 states gave land to create Washington D.C.?
Friday, September 19, 2014
Room 312 wrapped up another successful week of school today. My class continues to impress me in math. We continued our work with two digit multiplication problems. Students worked on multiple methods to solve these problems using arrays and partial products.
We have also been doing interesting work in our writing bloc. Students have been collecting turning points and important settings from their lives in their writer's notebook. This collection of ideas is going to be the basis for our narrative writing unit, which will be starting shortly.
I have also enjoyed reading our class blog. I like to see my students commenting on some of their classmates' posts. I hope that this will continue.
I hope everyone has a great weekend and I will see everyone on Monday.
Mr. Allen
Thursday, September 18, 2014
Math - complete last page in math packet
Reading - 30 minutes of quiet reading, complete blog post by Friday using this prompt: What surprised you or that you found interesting about the book that you are currently reading? Explain why. Do not summarize, please write in your own words.
Trivia: How tall is the Green Monster in feet?
Math - complete last page in math packet
Reading - 30 minutes of quiet reading, complete blog post by Friday using this prompt: What surprised you or that you found interesting about the book that you are currently reading? Explain why. Do not summarize, please write in your own words.
Trivia: How tall is the Green Monster in feet?
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
Students continue to work in social studies on our mini project. I look forward to seeing the finished products this Friday.
After creating a writer's EKG in class yesterday, students continued the process of generating story ideas today in writing. Students identified turning points in their lives which will serve as the basis of their upcoming narrative writing section. From talking in small groups with my students today, it appears as if I have some talented writers. I look forward to continuing this unit with my class.
Tomorrow in math, we will begin coming up with some pictorial stories to help us represent multiplication problems.
I look forward to seeing everyone tomorrow.
Math - third sheet in math packet
Reading - 30 minutes of quiet reading, blog post written on kidblog by Friday 9/19. Must be 8-10 sentences and answer this prompt: What is something that surprised you or that you found interesting? Explain why.
Social Studies - we continue to work on our mini project in class, but as always I would encourage students to look for additional information at home that they could then bring into class to supplement their work.
Planners will be checked on Friday
Trivia: This state became the first to ratify the U.S. Constitution on Dec. 7, 1787, and immediately went out and grabbed the nickname "The First State" to celebrate. Which state is it?
After creating a writer's EKG in class yesterday, students continued the process of generating story ideas today in writing. Students identified turning points in their lives which will serve as the basis of their upcoming narrative writing section. From talking in small groups with my students today, it appears as if I have some talented writers. I look forward to continuing this unit with my class.
Tomorrow in math, we will begin coming up with some pictorial stories to help us represent multiplication problems.
I look forward to seeing everyone tomorrow.
Math - third sheet in math packet
Reading - 30 minutes of quiet reading, blog post written on kidblog by Friday 9/19. Must be 8-10 sentences and answer this prompt: What is something that surprised you or that you found interesting? Explain why.
Social Studies - we continue to work on our mini project in class, but as always I would encourage students to look for additional information at home that they could then bring into class to supplement their work.
Planners will be checked on Friday
Trivia: This state became the first to ratify the U.S. Constitution on Dec. 7, 1787, and immediately went out and grabbed the nickname "The First State" to celebrate. Which state is it?
Tuesday, September 16, 2014
Today was an exciting day as we had visitors from the Rhode Island science camp come into the building to speak with the fifth grade. The excitement for this trip is easily seen.
We continued our mini project in social studies, I can not wait to see the finished products. Students are hard at work and dong a strong job in incorporating technology into their project.
Math - second page in math packet
Reading - 30 minutes of quiet reading, blog post on kidblog by Friday
Social Studies - we are in the process of completing a mini project on the California gold rush. Students have ample time in class to complete this, but it might be wise to gather some additional ideas or information at home
Planners will be checked on Friday
Today's trivia: In which state was the first science museum established?
We continued our mini project in social studies, I can not wait to see the finished products. Students are hard at work and dong a strong job in incorporating technology into their project.
Math - second page in math packet
Reading - 30 minutes of quiet reading, blog post on kidblog by Friday
Social Studies - we are in the process of completing a mini project on the California gold rush. Students have ample time in class to complete this, but it might be wise to gather some additional ideas or information at home
Planners will be checked on Friday
Today's trivia: In which state was the first science museum established?
Monday, September 15, 2014
9/15/14 Start of New Week
Room 312 had a productive day back at school today. The class as a whole is doing a great job in social studies where we are in the process of completing a mini lesson on the California Gold Rush. This will be the jumping of point that is introducing us to some key geography terms that we will need to have as part of our vocabulary in upcoming units.
Tomorrow, we hope to have a slideshow for the entire fifth grade concerning the eagerly anticipated science camp.
Math - first sheet of math packet, front and back
Reading - 30 minutes of quiet reading. By Friday, every student needs to have made an 8-10 sentence post on kidblog. The prompt that I would like all students to write about is:
What is something that surprised you or that you found interesting about the book that you are reading? Explain why
Don't forget to sign planners.
Today's trivia: Which state joined the union first after the original 13 colonies?
Friday, September 12, 2014
Friday 9/12
I am glad to report that all members, teacher included, of room 312 survived the first full week of school. I have enjoyed getting to know the members of my class over the course of the past two weeks. I believe that I have a room filled with dedicated students who are all capable of big things this school year.
This weekend, I would like any student who did not finish their ME poem to complete that at home. These poems will be hung up on the fifth grade hallway bulletin board.
I would also like all students who have not already done so to log onto their kidblog account. Next week everyone is going to be responsible for making a post of 8-10 sentences in length.
I hope everyone has a great weekend and I will see everyone on Monday.
Mr. Allen
This weekend, I would like any student who did not finish their ME poem to complete that at home. These poems will be hung up on the fifth grade hallway bulletin board.
I would also like all students who have not already done so to log onto their kidblog account. Next week everyone is going to be responsible for making a post of 8-10 sentences in length.
I hope everyone has a great weekend and I will see everyone on Monday.
Mr. Allen
Thursday, September 11, 2014
Thursday 9/11
Today my class reminded me of the genius help bar at the local Apple store. We had a few bumps in the road, but the class is now set up on Google Drive with a fifth grade folder. My thanks to those students that helped their classmates during this process today.
On the whole I felt we had another productive day and I look forward to finishing up our first full week as a class tomorrow.
Math - complete last page in math packet
Reading - 30 minutes of quiet reading and one reader's journal entry online or in notebook due tomorrow.
Tonights trivia: Which is the only state to have a different design on the front and back of it's flag?
Hard question, but I think someone will get it.
On the whole I felt we had another productive day and I look forward to finishing up our first full week as a class tomorrow.
Math - complete last page in math packet
Reading - 30 minutes of quiet reading and one reader's journal entry online or in notebook due tomorrow.
Tonights trivia: Which is the only state to have a different design on the front and back of it's flag?
Hard question, but I think someone will get it.
Wednesday, September 10, 2014
Wednesday 9/10
I felt that we had another productive day in room 312. I mentioned this to my class, but wanted to post it here as well. The first writing assignment that we had went extremely well. I thoroughly enjoyed getting to read the opinion pieces that my students were able to generate in such a short period of time. I consider myself a very lucky teacher to have such a dedicated collection of writers.
Room 312 also did strong work today in reading. Students were active readers and dug into their independent reading books. I was able to circulate throughout the room and listen to some students read. Post-it notes were used to help students focus on important scenes and character developments.
Unfortunately, none of my students came to class with an answer to my trivia question from yesterday. The highest peak in America is Mt. McKinley in Alaska.
Here is tonights question: What is the longest river in the United States?
Math - math worksheet
Reading - 30 minutes of quiet reading. By Friday, all students need to have made at least one entry either on kidblog or in their reader's notebook.
Room 312 also did strong work today in reading. Students were active readers and dug into their independent reading books. I was able to circulate throughout the room and listen to some students read. Post-it notes were used to help students focus on important scenes and character developments.
Unfortunately, none of my students came to class with an answer to my trivia question from yesterday. The highest peak in America is Mt. McKinley in Alaska.
Here is tonights question: What is the longest river in the United States?
Math - math worksheet
Reading - 30 minutes of quiet reading. By Friday, all students need to have made at least one entry either on kidblog or in their reader's notebook.
Tuesday, September 9, 2014
Tuesday 9/9
In math class, we continued to work on number puzzles in small groups. Students have been using prior information that we discussed last week on factors, multiples and prime numbers to help them solve some rather difficult puzzles. I have been very happy with the teamwork and cooperation that I have seen the last two days. I hope that this spirit will continue all year long.
In writing, students made progress on their "Me" poem template. When these are all completed, they will be hung on the fifth grade bulletin board in the third floor hallway. I look forward to seeing the finished products.
Math - Second sheet in math packet, front and back. It was also brought to my attention that the crossword puzzle on the back of sheet has errors in it. The students of 312 have been told that they do not need to fill the numbers into the puzzle. However they are responsible for completing the addition problems below the puzzle.
Reading - 30 minutes of quiet reading time, students should also continue to jot entries into their reading notebook. They have been given a list of prompts to help them craft their entries.
Trivia question: What is the highest peak in America? Where is it located?
Anyone who is able to come up with an answer to these questions, please tell me first thing tomorrow morning.
In writing, students made progress on their "Me" poem template. When these are all completed, they will be hung on the fifth grade bulletin board in the third floor hallway. I look forward to seeing the finished products.
Math - Second sheet in math packet, front and back. It was also brought to my attention that the crossword puzzle on the back of sheet has errors in it. The students of 312 have been told that they do not need to fill the numbers into the puzzle. However they are responsible for completing the addition problems below the puzzle.
Reading - 30 minutes of quiet reading time, students should also continue to jot entries into their reading notebook. They have been given a list of prompts to help them craft their entries.
Trivia question: What is the highest peak in America? Where is it located?
Anyone who is able to come up with an answer to these questions, please tell me first thing tomorrow morning.
The following is the schedule for room 312 for the 2014-2015 school year. Periodically there will be slight changes, but this will be the template more often than not.
8:15 - 8:55 | Science | ART | SCIENCE | SCIENCE | SCIENCE | |
8:55 - 9:35 | FLEX | FLEX | FLEX | FLEX | FLEX | |
9:40 - 10:40 | MATH | MATH | MATH | MATH | MATH | |
10:55 - 11:35 | GYM | S.STUDIES | GYM | LIBRARY | MUSIC | |
11:40 - 12:10 | S.STUDIES | ELA | S.STUDIES | S.STUDIES | S.STUDIES | |
12:15 - 12:55 | LUNCH | LUNCH | LUNCH | LUNCH | LUNCH | |
12:55 - 2:00 | ELA | ELA | ELA | ELA | ELA | |
2:00 - 2:15 | PATROL | PATROL | PATROL | PATROL | PATROL | |
Monday, September 8, 2014
Monday September 8th
It was nice to see my class come in today and show a better effort than the Patriots this weekend. I was also glad to see so many of my students were able to decorate their writer's notebook and make it their own.
Today, we took a writer's walk outside the school. Students were tasked with using their senses to help them compile some possible ideas to write about at a later date. Thankfully the weather cooperated.
In reading, students were given a log and guideline to better guide them in their focus. During the school year, students will be responsible for writing in their notebooks and on the class blog about the books that they are engaged with. Students were also handed a checklist of prompts which they are welcome to use to help generate ideas.
I also wanted to alert everyone that the class library is now open for business.
Students are allowed to take one (1) book out at a time if they so choose. I would still encourage all of my students to have an independent reading book of their own in school with them from home.
Homework for 9/8
Math - first page (front and back) of math packet
Reading - 30 minutes of quiet reading. By Friday, students should have made at least one post into their reader's notebook about the book that they are reading.
Tomorrow, students will be responsible for creating an opinion writing sample that will be graded using a rubric. I would strongly encourage all of my students to spend some time tonight thinking about an issue or topic that they feel strongly about. Students will be given 45 minutes during our ELA block tomorrow to complete this task.
Don't forget to get homework planner signed on a daily basis.
Today, we took a writer's walk outside the school. Students were tasked with using their senses to help them compile some possible ideas to write about at a later date. Thankfully the weather cooperated.
In reading, students were given a log and guideline to better guide them in their focus. During the school year, students will be responsible for writing in their notebooks and on the class blog about the books that they are engaged with. Students were also handed a checklist of prompts which they are welcome to use to help generate ideas.
I also wanted to alert everyone that the class library is now open for business.
Students are allowed to take one (1) book out at a time if they so choose. I would still encourage all of my students to have an independent reading book of their own in school with them from home.
Homework for 9/8
Math - first page (front and back) of math packet
Reading - 30 minutes of quiet reading. By Friday, students should have made at least one post into their reader's notebook about the book that they are reading.
Tomorrow, students will be responsible for creating an opinion writing sample that will be graded using a rubric. I would strongly encourage all of my students to spend some time tonight thinking about an issue or topic that they feel strongly about. Students will be given 45 minutes during our ELA block tomorrow to complete this task.
Don't forget to get homework planner signed on a daily basis.
Friday, September 5, 2014
End of first week
I can't believe that the first week of school has already ended. If these first four days are any indication, I think that this will be a great year in room 312. Today, students shared with their classmates a memento that represented their summer vacation. I enjoyed getting to hear my class present to one another why their item was special to them.
Starting next week, room 312 is going to start getting into our reading and writing notebooks. This weekend, I have asked my students to decorate their writer's notebook. I would like all of my students to make their notebook their "own". I have included a picture of my writer's notebook.
Students may included stickers, photos, images cut of from magazines or printed from a computer. I look forward to seeing these newly decorated notebooks next week.
I would also continue to strongly encourage all of my students to have an independent reading book of their own that they take with them to school on a daily basis. There is going to be ample time for students to read and write during the course of the day. Students should have a book of their own in class to further this work.
One other item that I wanted to mention was that I would like an adult at home to sign student's homework planners on a nightly basis. I will check signatures every Friday and I would like all students to have four signatures. Adults can sign at the bottom of the column each school day in the planners.
I hope everyone has an enjoyable weekend and I will see everyone on Monday.
Thursday, September 4, 2014
Thursday Sept. 4th
Tonight's homework
Math - complete workbook page 3. Please use a pencil.
Students are also invited to bring in one item represents their summer vacation. Students will be allowed to share their item with the class and take some questions to explain the significance of their item. All that I ask is that all things that are brought into school are appropriate.
Math - complete workbook page 3. Please use a pencil.
Students are also invited to bring in one item represents their summer vacation. Students will be allowed to share their item with the class and take some questions to explain the significance of their item. All that I ask is that all things that are brought into school are appropriate.
Wednesday, September 3, 2014
Day 2
The first two days of the new school year have flown by. The students of room 312 are getting reacclimated to school and have done very well, as a group, these first two days. I have enjoyed beginning to get to know my students and I think that I have done a pretty good job to this point getting everyone's name correct.
Today the class helped me come up with a contract which all students signed. This contract will serve as a rulebook as we progress through the school year. Students were also able to use their individual class iPad today. Room 312 looked at writer's notebook exemplars which will serve to guide them as they begin there own writer's logs. Students also completed their first math lesson on partial products and arrays, which helped to lay the groundwork for future work.
There was no homework given today, but I would still like all of my student's homework planners to be signed by an adult at home. I explained to my class that I will check these planners on Fridays to ensure that all assignments are being brought to the attention of someone at home.
I look forward to seeing everyone tomorrow and finishing this first week of school on a positive note.
Mr. Allen
Today the class helped me come up with a contract which all students signed. This contract will serve as a rulebook as we progress through the school year. Students were also able to use their individual class iPad today. Room 312 looked at writer's notebook exemplars which will serve to guide them as they begin there own writer's logs. Students also completed their first math lesson on partial products and arrays, which helped to lay the groundwork for future work.
There was no homework given today, but I would still like all of my student's homework planners to be signed by an adult at home. I explained to my class that I will check these planners on Fridays to ensure that all assignments are being brought to the attention of someone at home.
I look forward to seeing everyone tomorrow and finishing this first week of school on a positive note.
Mr. Allen
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